Chocolatey package for FusionInventory Agent.
This will silently install FusionInventory (an auto-inventory tool for GLPI) Agent on Windows operating systems via Chocolatey Machine Package Manager.
GLPI is a Information Resource-Manager. You can use it to build up a database with an inventory for your IT assets (computers, softwares, printers, switches, ...). Also includes a ticket-based Helpdesk, planned maintenance tasks, network topology report.
FusionInventory deals with populating the GLPI inventory automatically via agents deployed on computers to fetch name, hardward specs, network configuration, installed softwares, ...
❗ Chocolatey is required to use the fusioninventory-agent Chocolatey package, see installation instructions.
❕ Cloning of this repository is not required to use it: packages are stored on Chocolatey server
Run Agent installer with defaults settings:
choco install fusioninventory-agent
Run Agent installer with custom settings by providing the installer some command line options (via Chocolatey
Set the URL of the GLPI server to use, don't inventory printer, don't create links in the Start Menu and perform the inventory task immediately after installation:
choco install fusioninventory-agent --installargs "/server='' /no-category=Printer /no-start-menu /runnow"
PowerShell version that uses machine's domain (Windows AD) to set the HTTP proxy the agent should use:
choco install fusioninventory-agent --installargs "/proxy='http://proxy.$env:userdnsdomain'"
The list of available command line options can be found on the FusionInventory documentation (section windows-installer-2.3.x-command-line).