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Use Cases: Reviews

Z-Red edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

PLEASE NOTE: User Stories are not linked as artifacts. The mentor (TA) has stated that since the client provides the User Stories, the "Wow" Factor does not have a corresponding user story. Instead, we have a page in the wiki named "WoW" Factor describing the idea.


Use Case Number UC 11.01.01
Participating Actors Task Requester, Task Provider
Goal Requester or Provider review a Provider or Requester, respectively
Trigger Requester or Provider chooses to Add A Review
Precondition Task Requester and Task Provider have completed a task interaction involving each other
Postcondtion Requester receives review from provider, or Provider receives review from Requester
Basic Flow 1 System asks Requester or Provider to enter rating and review description for Provider or Requester, respectively
2 Task Provider or Task Requester enter their chosen rating and description
3 If the Task Requester is adding a review, then the Task Provider's account receives the review. If the Task Provider is adding a review, then the Task Requester's account receives the review
Exception 1 If user no longer exists
1.1 System displays message alerting user that the reviewee no longer exists
Related Artifacts N/A


Use Case Number UC 11.02.01
Participating Actors Task Requester or Task Provider
Goal Requester or Provider review a Provider or Requester, respectively
Trigger Requester or Provider chooses to View Reviews of another user
Precondition The user whose reviews want to be seen exists
Postcondtion Task Requester or Task Provider can see reviews of another user
Basic Flow 1 Task Requester or Task Requester choose to view reviews of another user
2 The chosen users review list and ratings are shown
Exception 1 If user no longer exists
1.1 System displays message alerting user that the reviewee no longer exists
Related Artifacts N/A
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