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Use Cases: Searching

David Laycock edited this page Feb 16, 2018 · 5 revisions


Use Case Number UC 04.01.01
Participating Actors Task provider
Goal Search all tasks with status of requested or bidded with keywords and show task requester's username, title, status, and (if applicable) lowest bid
Trigger Task Provider choose Search option
Precondition Task Provider knows what keywords they want to look up
Postcondtion On success, tasks with the requirements (proper status and keywords) are displayed
Basic Flow 1 System prompts task provider to enter keywords
2 Task provider submits keywords
3 System lists tasks that include proper status and keywords, with task requester username, title, status, and lowest bid so far displayed
Exceptions 1 If no tasks match keywords
1.1 System displays error message
1.2 System prompts user to enter different keywords
2 Task provider no longer wishes to submit keywords
2.1 System returns to previous activity
Related Artifacts US 04.01.01, US 04.02.01
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