Car Park Finder is a desktop command-line application for all car owners seeking a hassle-free way to find Housing & Development Board (HDB) car parks in Singapore. It has a GUI (Graphic User Interface) that allows users to view vital information such as parking lots availability for each car park.
Our purpose is to help busy car owners plan their trip by getting details of nearby car parks from their destination in a fast and efficient manner.
Main features of Car Park Finder:
Find by location helps to narrows down the car parks near your destination
Filter through the list of car parks with the use of flags to get the preferred choice of car park
Receive notifications on how many parking lots are still available for a car park
Use of autocomplete to simplify overcomplicated commands by prompting correct format
Some parts of this sample application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.
This application was morphed from Address Book level 4, a project created by the SE-EDU initiative.
This application would not be possible without data.gov.sg providing us with all the HDB car parks information. (HDB Carpark Information and Carpark Availability)
Libraries used: TextFX, ControlsFX, Jackson, Guava, JUnit5, Gson, Google Maps, SVY21