Jialin Huang, Kevin Lin, Akshat Alkesh Gandhi, Vaibhav Garg, Shashank Manjunath
- LoginActivity Class (@smanjunath)
- getUser() -- Returns current FirebaseUser. Returns null if no user is set yet
- registerOrAuthUser(String user_email) -- Registers a user with the given email, or authenticates if they already exist. Also sets the current user in LoginActivity as the registered user (i.e. no need to call authenticateUser after calling registerUser). Returns void, to get the user use the getUser() method.
- authenticateUser(String user_email) -- Authenticates user. Sets the current user in LoginActivity as the registered user. Returns void, to get the user use the getUser() method.
apis -- all the apis
- MainApi class -- To get total messages in conversation between user A and user B.
- getCombinedMessages -- Returns the List
- MainApi class -- To get total messages in conversation between user A and user B.
dbmanager -- Base functions related to the Firebase
interfaces -- Provides callback functions to help with async methods
modals -- Base structure for DB elements
- StickerActivty.