Go Code formatter, linter, tester and runner all in one
- Make sure the script is executable by running: chmod 775 go-utils
- If needed create an alias for the script so it can be easily called from anywhere by adding an alias entry in the .bash_profile file.
This file is located in the HOME directory. Use any text editor and add the line: alias your-alias="path-to-script"' where "path to script" is the location of the go-utils script and your-alias is the alias that you choose. e.g. if the script is in the HOME directory then the addition would be: alias gou="~/./go-utils"
- This tool makes use of golangci-lint, so if not installed already follow these install instructions to set it up locally.
- This script needs to be run from within the same folder of main.go.
- Currently can only see files within the same folder.
If an alias was created for this script then use that alias within the go folder that you want to test. Otherwise call the bash script as a normal bash script, using ./path-to/go-utils
For running the all in one (gofmt, golintci, test and run main.go):
To access this help page in terminal run:
./path-to/go-utils -h
./path-to/go-utils [-m <light|dark>] [-v] [-l] [-t] [-r]
-m mode light|dark [ default is dark ]. If running go-utils in a terminal with a dark
background, either mode is fine. If running in a white or light background,
then use the light mode to make the colours more readable.
$ ./path-to/go-utils -m light
Only one of the following args can be run at a time.
The first arg in the command [ ./path-to/go-utils -rlt ] will only use [-r] before exiting.
-l lint files only mode [ -vl for verbose linting ]
$ ./path-to/go-utils -l
-t test program only mode [ -vt for verbose testing ]
$ ./path-to/go-utils -t
-r run program only mode
$ ./path-to/go-utils -r
-v run command in verbose mode
$ ./path-to/go-utils -vl
$ ./path-to/go-utils -vt
To note here,
- verbose mode will only run if verbose is called before the main argument.
- lighting mode will only have an effect when running in the default mode.