The most awesomest pet app out there. Find your true 1/4 of a life companion!
dotenv, pg, express, superagent, method-override, ejs
Color Palette: #101A40, #2F3A70, #f1f1f1, #D9D9D9, #dc5858
font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; font-family: 'Lobster', cursive;
Icons made by Smashicons from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Lillian Gales - GitHub Profile
- Evan BC - GitHub Profile
- Carey Goodwin - GitHub Profile
- Na'ama Bar-Ilan - GitHub Profile
A user will need to have a link to our deployed site.
- Visual Studio Code - The code editor.
- GitHub - Version control.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Thank you to our incredible 301 instructors: JB Tellez, Hannah Ingham, Ryan Gallaway, Jacob Knaack, and to everyone at 301d48!