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Best Books

This is the site where you will find the best books to read and get inspired by other reader's recommendations, grades and tips. You are also, of course, welcome to add your own reviews, grades and tips.

The live project can be found here:

Browser requirements (at least version)
Chrome 58
Edge 14
Firefox 54
Safari 10
Opera 55
Opera mini can not be used
iOS 9
Android 4.4


Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


Strategy Plane

Site owner's goal

  • Earn money on each book purchased via link from the site.
  • Get inspired from user's reviews and recommendations.

External user's goal

Find books user would like to read.

There are three types of users:

  • Those who just want to get inspiration and find books to read: Viewer.
  • Those who also want to add books to the site and share their thoughts about a book/books: Reviewer.
  • The administrator of the page who manages book categories: Administrator.

Site owners need

  • That it is easy for a user to buy a book: priority 1.

Viewers and Reviewers needs:

  • Easy and intuitive way to browse books: priority 1.
  • Easy to find more information about a book: priority 2.
  • Buy book/s: priority 2.
  • See what other users think about a book: priority 2.

Reviewers needs:

  • Easy to search for a book and a add book that is not present on site: priority 2.
  • Easy to grade and give a review of a book: priority 2.
  • Update and remove "own books" (books that user has added) : priority 3.
  • Update and remove "own reviews" (reviews that user has added): priority 3.

Administrators needs:

  • Authority to manage categories: priority 3.

Scope Plane

User stories

(this is not in priority order)

  • US_001: As a user I want to search for books in the database.

implementation of US_001

  • US_002: As a user, I want to see detailed information about a book.

implementation of US_002

  • US_003: As a user, I woulc like to buy a book. It is possible to buy books from four places on the site (this is priority no 1 for site owner):

implementation of US_003

implementation of US_003

implementation of US_003

implementation of US_003

implementation of US_003

  • US_004: As a user, I want to see which books are most popular on the site.

implementation of US_004

  • US_005: As a user, I want to look for the most popular books in a category.

implementation of US_005

implementation of US_005

  • US_006: As a user, I want to add a book to the site.

implementation of US_006

implementation of US_006

implementation of US_006

  • US_007: As a user, I want to edit information about the book.
    • Notice! This user story is not implemented yet.
  • US_007: As a user, I want to remove a book.

implementation of US_007

  • US_008: As a user, I want to grade a book.
  • US_009: As a user, I want to give a review of a book.

implementation of US_008 and US_009

implementation of US_008 and US_009

  • US_010: As a user, I want to edit my opinion of a book.
  • US_011: As a user, I want to remove my opinion of a book.

implementation of US_010 and US_011

implementation of US_010

  • US_0012: As a user, I want to register (sign up) to the system.

implementation of US_012

  • US_0013: As a user, I want to log in to the system.

implementation of US_013

  • US_0014: As a user, I want to log out from the system.

implementation of US_014

  • US_0015: As an "administration" user, I want to add categories.
  • US_0016: As an "administration" user, I want to remove category
  • US_0017: As an "administration" user, I want to edit category.

implementation of US_015, US_016 and US_017

implementation of US_017


  • Search for books.
  • Search for books belonging to category.
  • Easy to buy a book with a link.
  • Overview: many books with limited information for each book.
  • Possibility to easily get more detailed information about a book.
  • Add, edit and remove a book.
  • When adding a book: "help" to "automatically" fill in information about the book.
  • Add, edit and remove reviews and grades for a book.
  • Authentications system: User can only edit and remove "own books" and "own reviews".
  • Add, edit and remove categories. Authentication system limits this capability to those with administrator privileges.

Structure Plane

The site starts with the homepage: where you can search and find books.

  • From navbar you can choose to got to homepage by clicking the Brand-image, Sign Up, Log In, Log Out, see 10-top books, see Best books in category group, Search for book, Add book and Manage Category groups, all depending on your authorities.

  • In Home page you can:

    • search for books either:
      • in 10-top list
        • From this list, you reach Book details and/or Add opinion.
      • in best in category
        • The result is presented in the Search result page
      • by giving title or author in Search for book-form
        • The result is presented in the Search result page
    • "Add Book": User search with title or author or part of and gets suggestions from the system what the user chooses between. After adding a book, the user is moved to "Book details/Manage Book" page.
  • In Search result page:

    • You can choose a book and go to Book details or Add opinion
  • In Book Details page:

    • You can:
      • Delete a book
      • Add an opinion
      • Change or delete an opinion
  • "Register", "Log In" and "Manage Categories" has separate pages.

Here is a visual of the structure:


Skeleton Plane

  • The user browses via the navigation system.
  • User searches for book/s by giving book title or author or part of it.
  • User can filter a search by giving categories
  • Interactive design that works on Mobile, Tablet as well as Desktop.


Major changes compared to wireframes
Home page
  • Moved "search for book" further down. Site owner think it is high priority to make users buy books. By showing the most popular books first, I hope to inspire to spontaneous purchases.
  • Most Popular books: Shows one book at a time, in the carousel, instead of several books. Talked to users who thought it was more clear and appealing this way.
  • Search result/Category X: The search is shown in a separate page, instead of on the home page. This is due to clarity for the user and a more clean code.
  • Add Book: One more step to add a book: After user has chosen which book to add, a form with all book information is shown. The form layout is very similar to the Book details page. One more step is needed because I want to show all information that is saved for the book, make user add a category group to the book and also give user opportunity to add grade and review instantly.
Book Details/Manage book page
  • Book information is not exactly the same in page as in wireframe.
  • User cannot change Book information. The button: Edit book info, is removed. Information for a book is fetched from Google Books and as I understand Google Books policy, user is not allowed to change information fetched from them. However category group is not fetched from Google Books. So in a futur version of Best Books, changing category group should be added as a possibility. Books grade and reviews can be changed.
  • Up to five reviews are shown in this page. If a book has more reviews than that: link to reviews page is shown.
Reviews page
  • This page has not got a wireframe.
  • When talking to UI-testers, it was decided that for most of the time only the five last reviews are interesting. So in Book Details page only up to five reviews are shown. This makes the page more clear.
  • User has opportunity to click on link, from Book details, to Reviews page to see all reviews, if more than five exists.
  • This page is designed as the layout of reviews in Book Details page.
Manage Category groups
  • Using cards in card deck instead of table.

Database structure

According to project instructions, the document-based database MongoDB is used. Here is a visual of the collections:

  • Text index: The users will search in the database for books with title or author or part of the title or part of the author. Text index is used on the fields title and author to simplify the query but also to improve the performance.

  • Both books and books_details collections, contain information about books. I decided to divide the information into two collections using the subset pattern (Mongo DB Documentation) The information in books collection is accessed often from the page to show information about many books on same page. Information in the books_details collection is shown when a user chooses to look at one books details. Book-details collection is less frequently accessed.

  • The subset pattern (MongoDB Documentation) is also used for books_details and reviews collections. It is possible to add a huge amount of reviews and I decided to embed the five latest reviews in the books_details collection. This five (or fewer if less reviews) reviews will be shown together with the book details. The user can choose to see more reviews and then all reviews are fetched from reviews collection.

Design Choices


For this project, the Google Font Poppins is chosen. Poppins is a newcomer in the geometric sans serif typefaces tradition. It is a rounded and modern fontawesome that I think feels friendly and fits on this site. As alternative Google Font Roboto is chosen.

Text, backgrounds, navbar and buttons

Best Books base colours

  • Text: Black #000000, most of the time. If it is a dark background: White #ffffff

  • Text background: White, #ffffff I have chosen these colours as they give optimal contrast.

  • Background: Peach Puff #fbdec6

  • Navbar: Dark Jungle #222823

  • Buttons: Dark Jungle #222823

  • Close and Delete buttons: Burnt Sienna #e76f51

Extra attention

Best Books colours for attention

To draw attention to messages and buying, eye-catching colours are used:

  • Messages: Acid Green #acc12f
  • Buying icon: Madder Lake #cc2936. As buying books has a high priority a reddish colour is chosen. Red is an optimistic colour that often is used to make people buy things.
Category groups background

Best Book's colours for categroy groups backgrounds

I wanted more parts of the page to attract attention and decided to have different background colours behind the category groups on home page. I am "reusing" some colours from above:

  • Madder Lake, #cc2936
  • Acid Green, #acc12f
  • Dark Jungle Green, #223823
  • Burnt Sienna, #e76f51

And I added:

  • Sandy Brown, #f4a26 and
  • Metallic Seaweed, #4b838e


Existing Features

  • Features in all pages:

    • Messages to the user are shown in top of current page, with an "acid green" background colour.

      • template: templates/components/messages.html

      implementation of messages

    • Header:

      • logo and navbar fixed at the top of viewport:
        • template: templates/layouts/navigation.html
        • logo: When hover over, it becomes larger
        • navbar: When hover over links, the colour changes
        • If medium and smaller viewport widths: links are collapsed to a "hamburger" menu.

      implementation of navbar on larger screens

      implementation of navbar on smaller screens

    • Footer:

      • template: templates/layouts/footer.html
      • In the bottom of the page with social links.

    implementation of footer

  • Home - page and other pages reached from the home page:

    • template: templates/pages/home.html
    • Start, Welcome on a background image:
      • Short introduction to the site

    implementation of homepage start

    • Top ten most popular books in a carousel:
      • template: templates/components/carousel.html
      • Possibility to buy the book: In top right corner is a red shopping cage with a link. Hoovering the link makes picture larger.
      • Possibility to link to more details of the book
      • If the user has logged in: he/she gets the possibility to add opinion about the book.

    implementation of most popular books

    • Best in category:

      • All category groups presented in the database are shown with different background colours.
      • template: templates/components/components/cards/card_best_category.html

      implementation of category groups to search

      • Possibility to click on a category group and then the user is moved to Search result-page that shows most popular books within chosen category group.
      • If no book in database is attached to the category group - a message is shown in top of the page.
    • Search for book in database:

      • A search-form where user can print title/part of title, author or part of authors name and then search for books. Result is shown in Search result-page. The link to submit the search is called "Search Book" and this is according to Google Books Branding Guidlines: "You may only use the verbs "Search," "Search Books," or "Search in this book" when prompting users for action that results in an API query (e.g., on a form 'submit' button)."

      implementation of search for book

      • If no book in the database matches the search, a message is shown at the top of page.
    • Add book - this feature is only available to users that are logged in:

      • Interactive logic in JavaScript: static/js/script.js
      • User does not have to know all information about a book. Instead, information is fetched from the API: Google Books for the book with information to add to the database.
      • A search-form where user can print title/part of title and or author/part of authors name.
      • The resulting books matching the search-criteria is shown below the search-form when user clicks search or presses return. User is moved to the "Search results".

      implementation of search to add book and search result

      • The user continues with choosing which book he/she is interested in adding. When a book is chosen, more details about the book are shown, in a form, further down and the user is moved to this place.
      • Finally, the user chooses a category group that the book should be attached to in this database. User can also, voluntarily, add a grade and a review of the book before submitting to the database.
      • If the user does not want to add book - he/she can click on Cancel and the information is removed and the user is redirected to the search-form for adding book.

      implementation of add book

      implementation of add book

  • Search result - page:

    • template: templates/pages/search_result-html
    • The user ends up at this page when either:
      • looking for most popular books belonging to a category group or
      • searching for a book in this database
    • A "Card deck" of books i shown with:
      • Possibility to buy each book.
      • Title, image of cover, author/s and
      • Information which average grade book is given in this database.
      • Possibility to go to "book-details page" with more information about choosen book.
      • If the user has logged in - there is also a possibility to add opinion of the book.
    • Close-Button in top right corner takes user back to home-page. implementation of add book
  • Book details - page:

    • template: templates/pages/book.html

    • The user ends up at this page when choosing "Book Details"-button either in the top-ten carousel or in the book-card at the search-result page.

    • The following information of the book is shown:

      • Title
      • Image of book cover
      • Author/s
      • Published date
      • Average grade in this database. Grade is also represented by filled stars.
      • Category in Google Books
      • Category group chosen for the book by the user who added the book.
      • Identifier
      • Description
      • Username of the user who added the book.
    • Up to five of the latest opinions given to the book are shown, with information:

      • Of who gave the opinion
      • Grade given
      • And the review given
    • If more than five opinions are given to the book: The user is given the opportunity to go to the opinions-page with all opinions given to the book.

      implementation of more reviews

    • The user who has added the book can also delete it. When the book is deleted, all opinions about the book are also deleted.

    • It is possible to add an opinion:

      • When this alternative is chosen an add opinion modal is shown.
    • The user who has added an opinion can also edit or delete the opinion.

    • If Edit opinion is chosen an edit opinion modal is shown.

    • Close-Button in top right corner takes the user back to the home-page.

    implementation of book details

  • Opinions - page:

    • Template: templates/pages/opinons.html
    • The user ends up at this page when "See all opinions" is chosen on the "Book details page".
    • All opinions of the current book are shown, with information about:
      • Who has given the opinion
      • Grade given
      • Review given.
    • The user who has added the opinion has the possibilities to:
      • Change review
      • Delete review

implementation of all reviews

  • Add opinion - modal:

    • Template: templates/components/modals/modal_general.html and templates/components/modals/modal_body_opinion.html
    • Modal contains:
      • Book title
      • select-list (1 to 5) for grading the book
      • text-area for the review
    • When information is submitted:
      • If a grade is given, a new average grade is calculated for the book and the average grade for the book in the database is updated.
      • Opinion is added to the database.
      • The user is directed to the page where modal was called from, and this page is updated with the added opinion.
    • If modal is closed without submitting, the user is returned to the page where it was called from and no updating of database takes place.

    implementation of add opinion

  • Edit opinion - modal:

    • Template: templates/components/modals/modal_general.html and templates/components/modals/modal_body_opinion.html
    • Modal contains:
      • Current book's title
      • select-list with grade given to the book
      • text-area with given review
      • Grade and/or review can be changed.
    • When information is submitted:
      • If grade is changed, a new average grade for the book is calculated and updated in the database.
      • Grade and/or review is updated in the database.
      • The user is directed to the page where the modal was called from. The page is updated with the changed grade and/or review.
    • If modal is closed without submitting, the user is returned to the page where it was called from, and no updating of the database occurs.

    implementation of edit opinion

  • Authorisation - pages:

    • Template: templates/pages/authorisation.html

    • Log In and Sign in are similar and include:

      • Form where the user can give:
        • Username and
        • Password
      • Submitting:
        • Password sent over internet and stored in database, is hashed.
        • Sign In: username is checked if it already exists. If it does, the user is informed and returned to sign In page. If the username does not exist, the user is logged in and redirected to home page.
        • Log in: username and password are checked. If they do not exist or password is wrong: the user is informed and returned to login page. If correct: the user is redirected to home page.
      • Possibility to go to Sign up and Log in page respectively.

      implementation of sign up

      implementation of log in

  • Manage Categories - pages:

    • Notice: The category group Other cannot be changed or deleted.
    • At the moment, anyone who has logged in, can reach this pages. In the future only users, with authority are allowed to use these pages. In addition, the users, with given authority, are supposed be more experienced of this site and know what to do. First time users might be confused by what "Managing category groups" means.
    • Category groups - page:
      • Template: templates/pages/category_groups.html
      • A page with all category groups represented in a "card deck.
      • The user can add a category group by clicking on the link. The user is then redirected to the "Add category group page"
      • For each category group the user can:
        • Edit category group, by clicking on link and is then redirected to the "Edit category group page"
        • Delete category group. If the category group is deleted all books in database that are attached to deleted category group are updated with the category group: Other.
    • Add category group - page:
      • Template: templates/pages/category_group.html
      • A form where the user types new category groups name.
      • When the form is submitted, a new category group is added to the database and the user is redirected to "Category groups page". This page is updated with the new category group.
      • If the user clicks on "Cancel", he/she is returned to the "Category groups page".
    • Edit category group - page:
      • Template: templates/pages/category_groups.html
      • A form where the current category group name is given.
      • The user can edit the name and click on the Submit-button. When the changed name is submitted: The database for all the books attached to category group name is updated to the changed category groups name.

    implementation of category groups

    implementation of category groups


The site is designed to fit devices with screen width from 300px and larger. The following features are designed differently for different devices:

  • Navbar: On screen widths smaller than 992px the navbar collapses into "hamburger" menu.
  • In carousel on home page: On devices with a width larger than 768px book information is shown beside the image of the book cover and average grade is represented by stars. On smaller devices, the information is shown below the book cover and the average grade is only shown as a number.
  • When content is shown in "card deck formation", the number of columns changes depending on viewport size, the larger screen width the more columns. This applies to:
    • Best in category buttons (with coloured background) on home page.
    • Information about books resulting from search to add book on home page.
    • Information about books resulting from search for books in "this database" and searching for books that are best in specific category. The result is shown in "Search result page".
    • The different category groups shown in "Category groups page".
  • "Instruction" in the beginning of the home page is wider on smaller viewports. That also applies to the width of the carousel on the home page.
  • On very small devices (width less than 400px) the font size is 14px.

Features Left to Implement

  • Whenever a user deletes a book or an opinion, a question of "are you sure" should be answered before deletion takes place.
  • Implementing authorisation for managing category groups. Only a few selected users should be able to do this.
  • Ability to change category group attached to a book. No other book information can be changed, since the information is fetched from Google Books API. That is how I interpret the Google Books branding policy.
  • Real affiliate link: It is easy to replace buy-modal with an real affiliate link when clicking on buy a book.
  • A more sophisticated Close button in Book Details page. When pressing the Close-button (in upper right corner) the user is redirected to home page. The Book Details page can be reached not only from homepage but also from Search result page.
  • Put image of book cover in add opinion-modal, especially when choosing add opinion from a book in the carousel at the home page. The carousel continues "moving" behind the modal, perhaps user gets confused which book, opinion is added to. Notice: Book´s titel is given in modal and that is why this feature is not prioritized.

Technologies Used


  • HTML
    • To structure the web content
  • CSS
    • To describe the web page's appearance/presentation
  • JavaScript
    • Bringing interactivity and logic to the site.
  • Python
    • To manage logic and information on server side

Frameworks, Libraries and Programs

  • GitPod
    • Used for version control by utilizing the GitPod terminal to commit to Git and push to GitHub and Heroku.
  • Heroku
    • To host the web app
  • GitHub
    • GitHub is used to store the code.
  • Bootstrap
    • A helpful HTML, CSS (and JS) library that is great for responsive design.
  • JQuery
    • The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
  • JSON
    • A data-interchange format used when retrieve information from other sources as Google Books.
  • Fetch API
    • Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources. In this project, it is used for fetching data across the network.
  • MongoDB
    • database used in this project
  • Flask
    • a micro framework that makes it easy to manage databases from python
  • Werkzeug
    • used in this app for authentication
  • Jinja
    • for templating logic
  • JSHint
    • to validate JavaScript code
  • Markup Validation Service
    • to validate HTML code
  • CSS Validation Service
    • to check CSS
  • Font-Awesome
    • From this library the icons are fetched
  • Google fonts
    • For inspiration and fonts
  • Balsamiq Wireframes
    • For designing the wireframes
  • Coolors
    • To generate colour-schemes
  • Favicon
    • to generate Favicon
  • ImageOptim
    • To optimize images to load faster.

API (Application Programming Interfaces)

  • Google Books
    • Provides information about books. In this way, the user conveniently gets all information about a book, he/she wants to add to the site, automatically.


"All tests passed without major issues? The tests conducted are detailed in


Local Deployment

Best Books was developed on GitPod, using git and GitHub to host the repository. The project is deployed to Heroku.

This project can be ran locally by following these steps: (This is specific to GitPod, adjust them depending on your IDE.)

  1. Clone the project:
  • Log in to GitHub and locate Best Books Repository
  • Under repository name, locate "Code" and click on it.
  • To the top right: locate green button called "Code" and click on the button.
  • Then there are some choices:
    • Checkout with SVN using web URL:
    • Using GitHub Desktop:
      • Save the clone directly by choosing "Open with GitHub Desktop"
    • Downloading zip file:
      • Select "Download ZIP" and all the files will be saved, zipped, to local computer.

Alternatively, you can clone the repository using the following line in your terminal:

git clone
  1. Access the new folder in your terminal window and install the application's required modules

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Sign-in or sign-up to MongoDB and create a new cluster

    • Within the Sandbox, click the collections button and then click Create Database (Add My Own Data) called best_books

    • Set up the following collections: books, books_details, category_groups, reviews and users. Collections are shown in chapter: Database structure Go to Database structure

    • Add a text index to the collection books, for the fields title and author: Create text index to books

    • Under the Security Menu on the left, select Database Access.

    • Add a new database user, and keep the credentials secure

    • Within the Network Access option, add IP Address

  3. In your IDE, create a file containing your environmental variables called at the root level of the application. It has to contain the following lines and variables:

    def env():
        import os
        os.environ.setdefault("IP", "")
        os.environ.setdefault("PORT", "5000")
        os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "YOUR_SECRET_KEY")
        os.environ.setdefault("MONGO_DBNAME", "best_books")
        os.environ.setdefault("IS_DEBUGGING", "YES")

    Please note that you will need to update "YOUR_SECRET_KEY" with your own secret key, as well as the "YOUR_MONGODB_URI" variable with those provided by MongoDB. To find your MONGO_URI, go to your clusters and click on connect. Choose connect your application and copy the link provided. Do not forget to update the necessary fields like password and database name.

    If you plan to push this application to a public repository, ensure that is added to your .gitignore file.

  4. The application can now be run locally. In your terminal, type the following command


To deploy your project on Heroku, use the following steps:

  1. Login to your Heroku account and create a new app. Choose your region.

  2. Ensure the Procfile and requirements.txt files exists and up-to-date in your local repository.

    pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt


    echo web: python > Procfile
  3. The Procfile should contain the following line:

    web: python
  4. Scroll down to "deployment method"-section. Choose "Github" for automatic deployment.

  5. From the inputs below, make sure your github user is selected, and then enter your repo name. Click "search". When it finds the repo, click the "connect" button.

  6. Scroll back up and click "settings". Scroll down and click "Reveal config vars". Set up the same variables as in your (IP, PORT, SECRET_KEY, MONGO_URI, MONGODB_NAME) except IS_DEBUGGING. NOTICE! Do not set IS_DEBUGGING or set it to "". You do not want debugging in a production environment.

    IP =
    PORT = 5000
  7. Scroll back up and click "Deploy". Scroll down and click "Enable automatic deployment".

  8. Just beneath, click "Deploy branch". Heroku will now start building the app. When the build is complete, click "view app" to open it.

  9. To push changes to Heroku:

    • In terminal window give the command git push to push your changes.



Book information is fetched from the API: Google Books


  • The photos used in this site were obtained from pixabay
    • Picture in start page, a book and a cup of coffee, photographer: Daria-Yakovleva
    • Picture above navbar on some pages, part of bookshelf, photographer: Lubos Houska
    • Picture in authorisation page, of a woman reading by the sea, photographer: StockSnap


I received inspiration and help for this project from: