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cartong-arcgis toolset

This toolset is developed in order to help some of the common tasks we face working with ArcGIS REST services and other ArcGIS related tasks.

Disclaimer: This plugin is not any official delivery. It has been developed for internal purposes by CartONG and it is shared for anyone who could benefit from it, but the correct functioning and maintenance cannot be guaranteed by CartONG, especially for new ArcGIS updates. The code has been used with ArcGIS 10.5.1, but has not been widely tested with other versions. We understand that the plugin has its limitations and any report will be welcome.

The code is divided in several files, each one oriented to a particular problematic. Current files are the following:


The core component of the toolset, defines CartONG.ArcgisService class with the most common methods used with ArcGIS REST services, like different ways to request data (surpassing the services' feature limitation, maxRecordCount property), transformation to CSV format, export tool, etc.


There are two ways to initialize a CartONG.ArcgisService class. The simplest is to pass the service URL as parameter, including the layer ID:

var myServiceURL = ''
var myService = new CartONG.ArcgisService(myServiceURL)

If you are more methodic, the service class can also be initialized by passing the parameters that compound the URL separately (domain, service path and service ID) in an object (note that the plugin will just concatenate the three components, so make sure the slashes are correctly used):

var myService = new CartONG.ArcgisService({
  domain: '',
  servicePath: '/P3ePLMYs2RVChkJx/arcgis/rest/services/World_Cities/FeatureServer/',
  serviceId: '0',

However, if the service is token protected, there is a third way to initialize the service class, passing the url and the token in a object:

var myService = new CartONG.ArcgisService({
  url: myServiceURL,
  token: 'myToken',

Possible input options

Option Mandatory What is it
url Only if domain, servicePath and serviceId are not given. Full URL of the service, including layer ID.
domain Only if url is not given. Domain of the ArcGIS Server.
servicePath Only if url is not given. Path to the service layer.
serviceId Only if url is not given. The layer numeric ID.
token No The token to access token protected services. Can be set after the initialization.
name No A name for the service. Not really used so far.

πŸ”† For more information about how to get the ArcGIS token, please go to cartong-arcgis-token section.

πŸ”† This plugin is built to surpass the maxRecordCount limitation that ArcGIS REST services have. To take full advantage of it, please have a look to loadDefinition() method.

Main methods


maxRecordCount limitation sets the maximum number of features that we can get in each ArcGIS REST service request, which can be problematic when we work with large datasets. Esri sets this limit on 1000 features by default, but can be increased or decreased by the Service manager πŸ’‚β€β™‚οΈ.

The plugin's query() method (which is behind getData() and getDataByAttribute() methods) 'packages' the features groups, doing consecutive requests to the REST service in order to get the whole dataset. By default, these packages are set in 995 features, which should be enough for most services (it is weird that a service manager decreases this limitation). However, when the default limitation has been increased by the service manager, limiting ourselves to 995 is not optimal. Therefore, we should use loadDefinition() method before calling getData() or getDataByAttribute() in order to read the limitation directly from the service itself.

var myService = new CartONG.ArcgisService(myServiceURL)
  .done(function() {
    myService.getData().done(function(data) {
      // do something with data


Function to download features from the service. Default parameters are used if they are not given as input. If you want to use specific query parameters, just pass them in an object.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
params No object Object with service request parameters as attributes (Esri documentation). Parameters might change with ArcGIS Server updagrades.
myService.getData().done(function(data) {
  // do something with data
  where: 'iso3=\'ESP\'',
  outFields: 'iso3, name',
  returnGeometry: false
}).done(function(data) {
  // do something with data

getDataByAttribute(attribute, [params])

Convenient method to query a specific field, without using where parameter's syntax.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
attribute Yes Array Array with two elements: array[0] is the field name and array[1] the field value. E.g. ['iso3', 'ESP']
params No Object See description in getData() method.

features2csv(data, format, [geometry])

πŸ”” This method should be renamed, the output is not really a csv string, but an array of features... And by the way, build an actual features2csv method, including the string parse

Extracts a dataset in GeoJSON or Esri JSON format into an array of features. Each feature is stored in objects, including its geometry and CRS (if requested) at the same level with other feature attributes.

πŸ”” So far it only supports point geometries. For a future global support for other geometry types, WKT geometry format could be a good option.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
data Yes Object Data in Esri JSON or GeoJSON format.
format Yes String The format in which data is given. Valid formats: 'json' or 'geojson.
geometry No Boolean true if geometry should be included, false if it should not be included. It is false by default.
var myFeatureArray = myService.features2csv(dataInGeoJSON, 'geojson', input.returnGeometry)

Disclaimer: This method should actually not need to initialize the ArcgisService class. To see with the team how and where it could be placed.

export(data, format, [name])

Downloads a file with the data in the format that it is given.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
data Yes Object Data in Esri JSON or GeoJSON format.
format Yes String The format in which data is given. Valid formats: 'json', 'json' or 'geojson.
name No String Optional string to be added in the file name. The file name is built with the following syntax: 'export_<name if given_>date'.
service.export(dataInGeoJSON, 'geojson', 'myDatasetName')
// exports a file called 'export_myDatasetName_YYYYMMDDD'

save(features, action, [callback])

TODO: move this to cartong-arcgis-crud

A promise method that stores (add or update options) a list of features in the class' Feature Service. For updates, objectid of each feature must be given between the feature's attributes.

πŸ”” This method is only available for Feature Services with these actions enabled.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
features Yes Array List of features in Esri JSON format.
action Yes String The action to be done. Valid actions: 'add' or 'update'.
callback No Function A method to be done after completing the transaction., 'add'), 'add', function() {
  // do something after adding the features.
  // e.g.:
  // refresh view/page

An alternative to enter the callback as parameter is to use the promise tools., 'add')
  .done(function() {
    // do something after adding the features.
    // e.g.:
    // refresh view/page
  .fail(function() {
    // do something on error: e.g. show error message.

delete(objectid, [callback])

TODO: move this to cartong-arcgis-crud

A promise method that deletes a feature from the class' Feature Service.

πŸ”” This method is only available for Feature Services with this action enabled.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
objectid Yes String or Number The objectid of the feature to delete (numeric unique ID given by ArcGIS).
callback No Function A method to be done after completing the transaction.
myFeatureService.delete(12345, function() {
  // do something after adding the features.
  // e.g.:
  // refresh view/page

An alternative to enter the callback as parameter is to use the promise tools.

  .done(function() {
    // do something after deleting the feature.
    // e.g.:
    // refresh view/page
  .fail(function() {
    // do something on error: e.g. show error message.

Disclaimer: This method should actually not need to initialize the ArcgisService class. To see with the team how and where it could be placed.

Other methods

  • getName()
  • getUrl()
  • getDomain()
  • getServicePath()
  • getServiceId()
  • getMaxRecordCount() - disabled for the moment
  • getToken()
  • setToken()

Default query parameters

πŸ”” These parameters might not be totally up to date, check the code in cartong-arcgis-service file.

var defaultQueryParams = {
  where: '1=1',
  text: null,
  objectIds: null,
  time: null,
  geometry: null,
  geometryType: 'esriGeometryEnvelope',
  geometryPrecision: 6,
  inSR: null,
  outSR: null, //4326,
  spatialRel: 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
  relationParam: null,
  maxAllowableOffset: null,
  outFields: '*',
  orderByFields: null,
  groupByFieldsForStatistics: null,
  outStatistics: null,
  gdbVersion: null,
  datumTransformation: null,
  parameterValue: null,
  rangeValues: null,
  resultOffset: 0,
  resultRecordCount: null,
  returnGeometry: true,
  returnZ: false,
  returnM: false,
  returnIdsOnly: false,
  returnCountOnly: false,
  returnDistinctValues: false,
  returnTrueCurves: false,
  returnExtentsOnly: false,
  queryByDistance: null,
  f: 'json' //'geojson'



πŸ”” This plugin is not totally finalized. To embed in ArcgisService class.

Tool to easily get a token to access ArcGIS REST services.


Until the plugin is not embedded in ArcgisService class, there is no need to initialize it. Just call CartONG.ArcgisToken.request(username,password, tokenServiceURL) or CartONG.ArcgisToken.fromJSON(tokenResponseInJSON). Both will return an ArcgisToken class with all its methods available.

Main methods

CartONG.ArcgisToken.request(username, password, tokenServiceURL)

Requests a token to the given token service URL, providing the username and password to the ArcGIS Services.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
username Yes String Credential to access the given ArcGIS service.
password Yes String Credential to access the given ArcGIS service.
tokenServiceURL Yes String The URL of the token service, normally like this: https://<arcgis_server_domain>/arcgis/tokens/generateToken.
const username = $('#username').val()
const password = $('#password').val()
const tokenService = 'https://<arcgis_server_domain>/arcgis/tokens/generateToken'
CartONG.ArcgisToken.request(username, password, tokenService)
  .then(function(token) {
    // do something with the token
    // e.g. use it with `ArcgisService` class


Returns an ArcgisToken class from a JSON response previously collected by other means. Can be useful, for instance, when the token is temporaly stored in the localStorage of the browser.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
tokenResponse Yes object JSON object with the format of the ArcGIS token service response.
var tokenResponse = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("arcgis_token"))

Other methods

  • isSuccess()
  • isExpired()
  • getToken()
  • getExpire()
  • getErrorMessage()



πŸ”” This plugin is not totally finalized. To embed in ArcgisService class.

Tool to manage data transactions through ArcGIS REST services. Available methods are addFeatures, updateFeatures and deleteFeatures.

To use these, it is recommended to save() and delete() methods currently coded in ArcgisService class (they will be probably moved to crud file in the future).


Toolset to work with attachments through the ArcGIS REST services. It contain methods to get, upload and delete files attached to database features.


To be able to use attachment methods, it is only needed to initialize an ArcgisService instance having cartong-arcgis-attachments.js loaded previously.

Main methods


Returns an array of file properties, including id (number), contentType (string, e.g. "image/png"), size (number, bytes), name (string) of the attachments related to the given feature.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
feature Yes String or Number objectid of the targeted feature.
  .done(function(attachments) {
    // do something with attachments
  .fail(function(error) {
    // error

deleteAttachments(feature, attachments)

Deletes the especified attachments related to the given feature.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
feature Yes String or Number objectid of the targeted feature.
attachments Yes Array Array of attachment objects, being id a mandatory attribute and name optional.
myService.deleteAttachments(12345, [
  { id: 2222, name: 'file_1'},
  { id: 3333},
  .done(function(response) {
    // do something on success
  .fail(function(error) {
    // error

addAttachments(feature, files)

Adds several attachments to a feature.

Parameter Mandatory Type What is it
feature Yes String or Number objectid of the targeted feature.
files Yes Array Array of Files from file input.
myService.addAttachments(12345, [<File Object>])
  .done(function(response) {
    // do something on success
  .fail(function(error) {
    // error

Other methods

  • isAttachmentEnabled()


Global dependencies

  • jQuery | (c) jQuery Foundation - The plugin has been used with v3.1.1

Task list / Ideas

  • Move save and delete methods to crud file.
  • Allow array input to delete several features at the same time.
  • Handle different CRS? different geometry types...
  • Handle token on queries (already applied on save function).
  • Build a search toolset to collect all services published from the server.
  • Allow manual maxRecordCount input without calling loadDefinition() method.
  • Support other geometry types in features2csv() method - WKT format?
  • Rename features2csv() method --> features2array?
  • ...

Developed by CartONG

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