A game solver library for C++20.
At the moment, there are two dependencies which can be switched off separately:
- GoogleTest: can be switched off by cmake option
- Pybind11: can be switched off by cmake option
Both dependencies are built on the fly.
cmake --build build
./build/examples/<insert example binary here>
When the option -DENABLE_PYBIND11
is activated, the shared library libgolv_skat.so
is created in <BUILD_DIR>/python
For fast prototyping, this can be copied to the directory of the python script that wants to use the bindings.
Alternatively, you can set the PYTHONPATH
environment variable, e. g.:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/directory/where/libgolv_skat.so/is/located
After that, you need to rename the libgolv_skat.so
to golv_skat.so
, because that is the name of the module.
Then write Python code like:
import random
import golv_skat
def make_deck():
deck = []
for suit in 'cshd':
for kind in '789JQKTA':
return deck
if __name__ == '__main__':
game = golv_skat.Skat()
deck = make_deck()
initial_state = [deck[:10], deck[10:20], deck[20:30], deck[30:32]]
value, best_move = golv_skat.mws_binary_search(game)
print(f"Game Value: {value}, Best Move: {best_move}")
which generates a random skat game and solves this using the mws_binary_search