this is cici 🧚♀️
- 💬 I’m currently studying in UESTC
- 🔭 I’m looking forward to working on LLM inference...
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Parallel programming, HPC, AI infra...
- 🫨 I’m struggling with job opportunities...
this is cici 🧚♀️
Forked from spectralcode/OCTproZ
OCTproZ is an open source software for optical coherence tomography processing and visualization.
Forked from OlaWod/feature-selection_GA-SA
Use Genetic Algorithm and Simulate Anneal for feature selection. 用遗传算法/模拟退火算法进行特征选择.
Forked from Fangzhenxuan/AI_Projects
Artificial Intelligence
Jupyter Notebook
Forked from RussWong/CUDATutorial
A CUDA tutorial to make people learn CUDA program from 0