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Releases: CenturyLinkCloud/ux-chi


11 Mar 12:21
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  • Added: Text input web component now supports the attribute spinner to let users know when information is saving or loading.
  • Added: Icon icon-bell-settings-outline.


  • Changed: Sidenav component now includes a slight delay before opening menus on hover to reduce unintentional activations.


04 Mar 10:59
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  • Added: Marketing icon component to render Lumen full-color marketing icons.


  • Changed: Popover component positioning has been improved to render more accurately in scenarios where the reference element is located within an overflow or narrow container.



  • Changed: Copyright date in Footer component documentation has been changed from 2020 to 2021.
  • Changed: Elements used to trigger tooltips in Tooltip documentation have been updated with more intuitive text.


25 Feb 09:42
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  • Added: Link component to navigate between pages, locations within the same page, and more.


  • Fixed: Header collapsible search did not display correct styles if the text input was rendered as a web component.


18 Feb 10:26
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  • Added: Icons icon-circle-wrench, icon-date-alt, icon-spinner, icon-triangle-wrench.
  • Added: Header component now supports a collapsible search input.
  • Added: Image utility to change the responsive behavior of image elements.
  • Added: Text utility now supports coloring text orange with -text--orange.
  • Added: Icon component now supports coloring icons orange with color value orange.


  • Changed: Mobile navigation drawer target validation has been improved.
  • Changed: Header component external links (Explore Lumen, Help, Contact Us) now open in a new window/tab.


28 Jan 15:39
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  • Added: Focus utility to Chi.js to hide :focus outlines on links, buttons, and inputs if user is using a pointing device.
  • Added: Popover now supports the attribute closable to render Popover components with a close button.
  • Added: Icons icon-edge-solutions, icon-edit-create.
  • Added: Overflow utility to control how content overflows an element.
  • Added: Text utility now supports the class -text--boldest to render text with the boldest font-weight value available.
  • Added: Date web component now supports the ability to change language.
  • Added: Tooltip component now supports events chiTooltipShow and chiTooltipHide.
  • Added: Popover Chi.js component now supports events chiPopoverShow, chiPopoverHide, chiPopoverShown, and chiPopoverHidden.
  • Added: Drawer Chi.js component now supports events chiDrawerShow, chiDrawerHide, chiDrawerShown, and chiDrawerHidden.
  • Added: Dropdown component now supports events chiDropdownShow and chiDropdownHide.
  • Added: Data table now supports three level rows.


  • Changed: Tab component has been updated with accessibility improvements including full keyboard navigation.
  • Changed: Data table striped row behavior on child rows has been improved.
  • Changed: Data table headers have been improved to better support table sorting.
  • Changed: Time picker component has been updated with improved formatting and UX enhancements.


  • Fixed: Pagination buttons placed in a form triggered an unexpected submit due to a missing type="button" attribute.
  • Fixed: Buttons in Card, Modal, and Expansion Panel footers did not automatically render margin between sibling web component buttons.



  • Added: Tooltip now includes an example for tooltips on disabled buttons.
  • Added: Portal templates have been updated to include a new common table style with header cells in the top row and first column.


  • Fixed: Spinner button documentation examples contained an unnecessary closing div tag.


14 Jan 09:41
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  • Added: Icons icon-arrow-sort, icon-compose-cancel.


  • Changed: Icons icon-compose, icon-edit, icon-edit-cancel.
  • Changed: Data table sort arrow icons now render slightly bolder.



  • Fixed: Accessibility documentation typos have been resolved.


22 Dec 14:22
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  • Added: Time picker and Datetime picker components to allow users to enter a time through text input or choose a time from a picker.
  • Added: Date Picker web component now supports resetDate method.


  • Changed: Modal components with theme -portal now align buttons in chi-modal__footer to the right (Chi's default) instead of center.
  • Changed: Picker group components with theme -portal now include a text color change on hover.
  • Changed: Accordion components with theme -portal now render nested accordions with a border.
  • Changed: Tab components with size class -xs no longer alter a tab items font-size, only padding. To alter font-size, please use the text size utility class -text--xs instead.
  • Changed: Stat components with theme -portal, -compact, and info/help icons now include an alignment improvement to better support long metric titles.



  • Added: Accessibility documentation has been added to define how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities.


  • Changed: Tab components with theme -portal now render tab examples using the -xs size class instead of -sm.


04 Dec 11:16
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  • Added: Flex utility now includes support for flex-basis to specify the initial size of flex items.
  • Added: Stat components with theme -portal now include -compact support for displaying KPIs when vertical space is limited.
  • Added: Flag icon component to render Lumen country/region flag icons.
  • Added: Popover component now supports opening on hover.
  • Added: Range slider E2E tests.


  • Changed: Stat components with theme -portal now render active items with black text instead of white for color contrast compliance.
  • Changed: Footer internal has been updated with improved footer link styles and a new language drop down design.



  • Added: Portal Templates section now includes examples for Accordion, Data Table, and Drawer.


  • Changed: Duplicate IDs detected on the following pages have been changed: Accordion, Data Table, Card, Checkbox, Dropdown, Expansion Panel, Footer, Header, Sidenav, and Stat.
  • Changed: Unnecessary IDs in Toggle switch example code have been removed.


  • Fixed: Table documentation examples with theme -portal were missing size class -sm.


13 Nov 12:09
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  • Added: Accordion component to toggle between showing and hiding content.
  • Added: Data table component to present data sets in a simple and organized way. Unlike standard HTML tables, data table is responsive and compatible with all screen sizes.
  • Added: Modal JavaScript now supports chiModalShown and chiModalHidden event emission.
  • Added: Picker and Picker group now support styles for disabled states.
  • Added: Number input now supports styles for required states.


  • Changed: Tooltip animation is now more subtle based on UX feedback.
  • Changed: Badge component now supports text size utility classes.
  • Changed: Radio button, Checkbox, and Toggle switch styles have been simplified to reduce size of chi.css.
  • Changed: Label wrappers chi-label__wrapper can now be rendered outside of chi-form__item to support forms with legend tags.
  • Changed: File input disabled state is now consistent with button disabled state.
  • Changed: Number input expanded disabled state is now consistent with button disabled state.
  • Changed: Number input no longer renders semantic border and focus colors when disabled.
  • Changed: Text input, Textarea, Number input, and Date picker disabled text color has been updated.
  • Changed: Tabs with class -vertical and -portal now render first level tab items with a min-height.


  • Fixed: Base Number input did not support disabled button styles in min/max scenarios.
  • Fixed: Sass lint warnings have been resolved.



  • Added: Radio button documentation now includes examples for Base, Checked, Disabled, Required, Optional, Help, and Error.
  • Added: Select documentation now includes examples for Required, Optional, Help, Message, and Error.
  • Added: Picker group documentation now includes examples for Checked, Disabled, Required, Optional, Help, and Error.
  • Added: Picker documentation now includes examples for Checked, Disabled, Required, Optional, Help, and Error.
  • Added: Number input documentation now includes examples for Min, Max, Step, Required, Help, Message, and Error.
  • Added: Tab documentation now includes examples for all horizontal and vertical sizes.


  • Changed: Header portal documentation examples now include tooltips on icon buttons.
  • Changed: Chi version check banner alert color has been changed to appear more prominent.


  • Fixed: Tab documentation used same ID for three different tab examples.


30 Oct 10:05
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  • Added: Form inputs now support Help icon buttons to display helpful information about an input in a popover.
  • Added: Checkbox now supports a danger state for providing error feedback to users when validation fails.
  • Added: Text input and Textarea now support the readonly attribute to prevent users from changing their value.
  • Added: Textarea now supports the placeholder attribute to provide users with an example of the type of data that can be entered into an input.
  • Added: Icons icon-compose, icon-reload.
  • Added: Progress component now includes web component support.
  • Added: Dropdown component now includes cypress tests.
  • Added: Mobile navigation now includes cypress tests.
  • Added: Modal now includes cypress tests.
  • Added: Popover now includes cypress tests.
  • Added: Tabs now includes cypress tests.


  • Changed: Checkbox display from block to flex to support required and help states.
  • Changed: Form items with -row layout now apply a padding-right to child input labels to eliminate need for a spacing utility class.
  • Changed: Form items with label wrapper now style icons using a child combinator instead of a descendant combinator to support help icon buttons.
  • Changed: Icons icon-circle-reload and icon-circle-reload-outline have been updated for consistency with icon-reload.
  • Changed: Select component class has been renamed from chi-input to chi-select.
  • Changed: File input component class has been renamed from chi-input to chi-file-input.
  • Changed: Range slider component class has been renamed from chi-input to chi-range-slider.
  • Changed: Text input component styles have been optimized to reduce chi.css file size.
  • Changed: Button group component styles have been optimized to reduce chi.css file size.


  • Fixed: Label required asterisk color no longer fails color contrast test.
  • Fixed: Textarea web component specific styles were not loading due to an incorrect :host() pseudo-class.
  • Fixed: Alert content text was not wrapping correctly in IE11.
  • Fixed: Brand web component skeleton was rendering with the width and height values of CenturyLink logo instead of Lumen logo.
  • Fixed: Button web component skeleton rendered with an inconsistent display property that caused skeletons to stack instead of rendering inline.
  • Fixed: Button web component skeleton was not respecting icon button sizes.
  • Fixed: Progress web component skeleton rendered with a margin that caused the component to jump after preloading.



  • Added: Installation page now includes framework specific boilerplates for Vue, Stencil, Angular, and React.
  • Added: Checkbox documentation examples for: Checked, Required, Help, Message, Error, and Grid.
  • Added: Text input documentation examples for: Readonly, Placeholder, Required, Optional, Help, Message, and Error.
  • Added: Textarea documentation examples for: Readonly, Placeholder, Required, Optional, Help, Message, and Error.
  • Added: Textarea documentation examples for Layout Variations.
  • Added: Portal templates page now includes an example for alert Modals.


  • Changed: Checkbox documentation code samples have been improved.
  • Changed: Text Input documentation code samples have been improved.
  • Changed: Textarea documentation code samples have been improved.