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Scripts to simplify Cere Nodes launch

The scripts to up and run Cere Nodes (Validator, Full, Archive). How to use details can be found in the Cere Gitbook.

[BETA] Running the validator node

Start validator node by running the following script:

For MacOS

sh ./scripts/ --node-name=TEST_NODE --network=testnet

For Linux / Ubunutu

bash ./scripts/ --node-name=TEST_NODE --network=testnet
Parameter name Required Possible options Example Description
node-name Yes Any string. --node-name=my-test-node A node name.
network Yes devnet, qanet, testnet, mainnet --network=testnet A network name.
generate-accounts No true --generate-accounts=true If it is set, Stash and Controller accounts will be generated automatically and shared with user as a result. By default it will be taken from parameters.
bond-value No Any number. --bond-value=999 By default it will be taken from parameters.
reward-commission No Any number in range from 0 to 100. --reward-commission=10 By default it will be taken from parameters.

Clean created nodes by running the following script:

sh ./scripts/