Integrating Cetus-CLMM-SUI-SDK: A Comprehensive Guide, Please see details in document.
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Cetus-CLMM-SUI-SDK is the official software development kit (SDK) specifically designed for seamless integration with Cetus-CLMM. It provides developers with the necessary tools and resources to easily connect and interact with Cetus-CLMM, enabling the development of robust and efficient applications.
To integrate our SDK into your local project, please follow the example steps provided below. Please see details in document.
npm i @cetusprotocol/cetus-sui-clmm-sdk
Our SDK now includes a default initialization method that allows for quick generation of the Cetus SDK configuration. You can utilize the src/config/initCetusSDK method to swiftly initialize the configuration. You have the option to select either 'mainnet' or 'testnet' for the network.
import { initCetusSDK } from '@cetusprotocol/cetus-sui-clmm-sdk'
const cetusClmmSDK = initCetusSDK({network: 'mainnet'})
If you wish to set your own full node URL and simulate address, you can do so as follows:
import { initCetusSDK } from '@cetusprotocol/cetus-sui-clmm-sdk'
const network = 'mainnet';
const fullNodeUrl = "https://..."
const simulationAccount = "0x..."
const cetusClmmSDK = initCetusSDK({network, fullNodeUrl, simulationAccount})
Now, you can start using Cetus SDK.
You can view this typescript sdk in
Cetus Development Documents.
CETUS-SUI-SDK released under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Use the following links to learn more about Cetus: Learn more about working with Cetus in the Cetus Documentation.
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