This is a 3D engine for light simulation in mind.
The goal of this engine is to implement a real-time raytraced physically based renderer with the pixar material model.
The engine use OpenGL, GLFW and GLM, but in the future we plan to remove the need of GLM.
Nerv's core is generalist and can render object in a rastered way but heavly use shaders and a single quad to make "realtime ray based application".
- config file
- I/O for mouse and keyboard
- file reader
- windows manager
- shader support
- transform controle
- FPS camera
- basic objects
- textures (kinda)
- USD loader
- material model
- scene descriptor
- raytracing
- reflection mat
- refraction mat
- lambert mat
- camera lens (Depths of fields)
- shadow
- light
- Pixar BSDF model
- progressive sampleling