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Merge pull request #13 from PoutineQc/Update
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ChagnonSebastien committed May 27, 2016
2 parents 2d1b42e + cb29e96 commit 9e19809
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Showing 122 changed files with 6,573 additions and 11,856 deletions.
192 changes: 192 additions & 0 deletions Bukkit/LanguageFiles/de.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
# CubeRunner plugin
# Made by EgoLeX
# de.yml - Language file

languageName: "Deutsche"

prefixShort: "&7[&5CR&7]"
prefixLong: "&7[&5CubeRunner&7]"

developper: "&5Erstellt durch: &7%developper%"
version: "&5Version: &7%version%"
description: "&dTippe &5/%command% help &d für eine Liste aller Kommandos."

errorPermission: "&4Du hast die nicht die benötigten Rechte um dies zu tun"
errorCommand: "&cCommand not found. Type &8/%cmd% help &cfor help."
errorTeleport: "&cDu kannst dich nicht teleportieren während du dich im Spiel befindest. Tippe &7/cr quit &cum zu verlassen."
errorMissingArena: "&cYou need to specify a valid arena."
errorAlreadyInGame: "&cDu bist bereits in einem CubeRunner Spiel."
errorNotInGame: "&cDu befindest dich derzeit in keinem CubeRunner Spiel."

infoTip: "&8[&7Tipp&8] &7Du kannst auch &8/%cmd% list &7und rechtsklick machen um Informationen zu bekommen."

joinUnready: "&cDie Arena der du Beitreten wolltest exestiert anscheinend nicht"
joinActive: "&cEs läuft derzeit ein Spiel in der Arena der du Beitreten wolltest."
joinSpectator: "&dJoining als Zuschauer..."
joinPlayer: "&aDu bist erfolgreich der Arena &2%arena%&a beigetreten."
joinOthers: "&f%player% &dist der CubeRunners Arena beigetreten."
joinGuiTitle: "&2Arena Liste"
joinGuiInfo: "&eKlicke auf den Namen der Arena zu der du möchtest."
joinGuiTipStarted: "&cAktiv : &eKlicke zum Zuschauen"
joinGuiTipJoin: "&aBereit : &eKlicke zum Beitreten"

quitPlayer: "&aDu hast die CubeRunners Arena &2%arena%&a verlassen."
quitOthers: "&f%player% &dhat die CubeRunners Arena verlassen."

startNotReady: "&cDas Spiel ist derzeit nicht bereit zum Starten"
startMinimum: "&cEs müssen mindestens %amount% Spieler in der Arena sein um das Spiel zu starten."
startMaximum: "&cEs dürfen maximal %amount% Spieler in der Arena sein um das Spiel zu starten."
startBroadcast: "&dEin neues Spiel von &5CubeRunner &dwurde gefunden. Du kannst beitreten indem du folgendes Kommando verwendest: &5/cr join %arena%&d."
startStop: "&cDer Countdown wurde gestoppt. Nicht genügend Spieler."

endCrushPlayer: "&dDu bist mit einem Score von &5%score%&d rausgeflogen. Spiel Vorbei!"
endCrushOthers: "&f%player% &dist mit einem Score von &5%score%&d rausgeflogen."
endHidePlayer: "&dYou have been kicked out of the game for hiding under a block."
endHideOthers: "&f%player% &dhave been kicked out of the game for hiding under a block."
endTeleport: "&dSpiel Vorbei. Teleport zurück in 5 Sekunden..."
endBest: "&6Glückwunsch an &f%player% &6welcher den neuen Highscore von &4%score% &6in der Arena &5%arena% hält."
endReward: "&dDu hast %amount%%currency% für das Überleben von %amount2% Sekunden bekommen."
endBroadcastMultiplayer: "&6Congradulation to &f%player% &6who won a multiplayer game of CubeRunner in the arena &5%arena% &6with a score of &4%score%&6!"
endBroadcastSingleplayer: "&f%player% &6finished a game of CubeRunner in the arena &5%arena% &6with a score of &4%score%&6!"

statsGuiTitle: "&6Stats"
statsInfoAverageScore: "&bEigener Score pro Arena"
statsInfoDistanceRan: "&bTotale Distanz"
statsInfoGames: "&bgespielte Spiele"
statsInfoTotalScore: "&bTotal Score"
statsInfoKills: "&bgetötete Spieler"
statsInfoMultiplayerWon: "&bMultiplayer Spiele gewonnen"
statsInfoTimePlayed: "&dSpielzeit"
statsInfoMoney: "&dGeldgewinn"
statsChallengesTitle: "&bHerausforderungen"

achievementBroadcast: "&f%player% &6hat die Errungenschaft &d%achievementName%&6 erhalten!"
achievementReward: "&dDu hast %amount%%currency% für die Errungenschaft bekommen."
achievementAmountGame: "&dSpiele %amount% Spiele"
achievementTotalScore: "&dTotaler Score von %amount% erreichen"
achievementKills: "&dTöte %amount% Spieler"
achievementMultiplayerWon: "&dWin %amount% multiplayer game(s)"
achievementSurvive5Minutes: "&dÜberlebe 5 Minuten"
achievementReachHeight10: "&dErreiche eine Höhe von 10"
achievementFillTheArena: "&dFülle den Arenaboden"
achievementAnswerToLife: "&dDie Antwort für das Leben, das Universum und alles andere"
achievementRageQuit: "&dDer Rage Quit"
achievementKillerBunny: "&dDer Todeshase"

editCreateNoname: "&cDu musst einen Namen für deine Arena wählen."
editNewSuccess: "&aEine Arena namens &2%arena% &awurde erfolgreich erstellt."
editNewExists: "&cEine Arena namens &4%arena% &cexistiert bereits."
editNewLongName: "&cThe arena's name can't be more than 12 letters long."
editErrorArena: "&cEine Arena namens &4%arena% &cexistiert nicht."
editRegionWorldedit: "&cDu musst erst eine WorldEdit Region festlegen."
editRegion: "&aZone erfolgreich gesetzt für &2%arena%&a."
editStartPoint: "&aStartpunkt erfolgreich gesetzt für &2%arena%&a."
editLobby: "&aLobby erfolgreich gesetzt für &2%arena%&a."
editPlayersMissing: "&cDu musst eine Menge angeben um die Spieleranzahl zu ändern."
editPlayersError: "&cDie Anzahl der Spieler die du angeben hast ist unbekannt. &7[&8%error%&7]"
editPlayersNaN: "Keine gültige Nummer"
editPlayersMinimum1: "Minimum weniger als 1"
editPlayersMinimumMaximum: "Minimum größer als Maximum"
editPlayersMaximumMinimum: "Maximum kleiner als Minimum"
editPlayersMaximum10 : "Maximum größer als 10"
editPlayers: "&aAnzahl an Spielern erfolgreich editiert für &2%arena%&a."
editColorGuiTitle: "&4Farbtool"
editColorGuiInfo: "&eDie ausgewählten Blöcke sind\n&edie derzeit ausgewählten.\n&eKlicke auf einen Block\n&eum In zu De/-Aktivieren."
editColorError: "&cDu kannst die Farben nicht ändern während du Ingame bist."
editDelete: "&cArena entfernt."

languageList: "Verfügbare Sprachen"
languageNotFound: "&cSprache nicht gefunden. &8/%cmd% language &cfür eine Liste aller verfügbaren Sprachen"
languageChanged: "&aSprache erfolgreich auf Englisch gesetzt"

helpErrorPermission: "&cDu hast keinerlei Rechte für die Kategorie."
helpDescriptionAll: "&7Alle Kommandos"
helpDescriptionGeneral: "&7Generelle Spieler Kommandos"
helpDescriptionGame: "&7Kommandos für das einfach Spiel"
helpDescriptionArena: "&7Kommandos um die Arena zu erstellen"
helpDescriptionAdmin: "&7Admin Kommandos"

signPerm0: "&cDu hast nicht"
signPerm1: "&cdie benötigten Rechte"
signPerm2: "&cum ein DaC"
signPerm3: "&cSchild zu erstellen"
signValid1: "&cNone valid"
signValid2: "&cSchild Parameter"
signValid3: "&cVersuch es erneut"

keyWordSignJoin: "&aBeitreten"
keyWordSignQuit: "&cVerlassen"
keyWordSignStart: "&9Spiel starten"
keyWordSignStats: "&6Statistiken"
keyWordSignPlay: "&aSpielen"
keyWordSignTop: "&bBest Score"

keyWordGuiInstructions: "&6Einleitung"
keyWordGuiPage: "&ePage %number%"

keyWordGameStateUnset: "&7Arena Unset"
keyWordGameStatReady: "&aBereit"
keyWordGameStatStartup: "&9Anfang"
keyWordGameStatActive: "&cAktiv"

keyWordGeneralHours: "Stunde"
keyWordGeneralMinutes: "Minute"
keyWordGeneralSeconds: "Sekunde"
keyWordGeneralDistance: "km"
keyWordGeneralBy: "von"

keyWordHelp: "Hilfe"
keyWordHelpCategory: "Kategorie"
keyWordHelpPage: "Seite"

keyWordInfo: "Information"
keyWordInfoAdvanced: "Erweiterte Information"
keyWordInfoMinimum: "Minimum"
keyWordInfoMaximum: "Maximum"
keyWordInfoCurrent: "Derzeitig"
keyWordInfoAmountPlayer: "Spieleranzahl"
keyWordInfoGameState: "Spielstatus"
keyWordInfoWorld: "Welt"
keyWordInfoLobby: "Lobby"
keyWordInfoStartPoint: "Startpunkt"
keyWordInfoZoneMinPoint: " Zonen Koordinaten"
keyWordInfoBestScore: "Bester Score"

keyWordStatsTop10: "Top 10"
keyWordStatsProgression: "Entwicklung"
keyWordStatsCompleted: "Beendet"
keyWordStatsNotCompleted: "nicht beendet"
keyWordStatsReward: "Belohnung"

keyWordScoreboardPlayers: "Spieler"
keyWordScoreboardScore: "Punkte"

adminReload: "&aPlugin CubeRunner wurde erfolgreich reloaded."

cmdDescriptionHelp: "&7You already know how to do that don't you? ;)"
cmdDescriptionLanguage: "&7Änder deine eigene Sprache für das CubeRunners plugin."
cmdDescriptionStats: "&7Öffnet deine CubeRunners Statistik."
cmdDescriptionList: "&7Öffnet eine Liste aller Kommandos."
cmdDescriptionInfo: "&7Zeigt jede Information über eine Arena."
cmdDescriptionJoin: "&7Betrete ein spezifisches Spiel oder öffne die GUI."
cmdDescriptionQuit: "&7Verlasse dein derzeitiges Spiel."
cmdDescriptionStart: "&7Startcountdown eingeleitet."
cmdDescriptionNew: "&7Erstellt eine neue CubeRunners Arena."
cmdDescriptionDelete: "&7Lösche eine spezifische Arena."
cmdDescriptionSetzone: "&7Setze die Abgrenzung für eine spezifische Arena mit einer Worldedit Region."
cmdDescriptionSetlobby: "&7Setz die Lobby der spezifischen Arena."
cmdDescriptionStartpoint: "&7Setze den Startpunkt der Arena."
cmdDescriptionSetcolor: "&7Setz die Blockfarbe der Arena"
cmdDescriptionSetminplayer: "&7Setze die Minimale Spieleranzahl der Arena."
cmdDescriptionSetmaxplayer: "&7Setze die Maximale Spieleranzahl der Arena."
cmdDescriptionReload: "&7Reloade die config, die Spieler Daten und die Sprachdatei."
182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions Bukkit/LanguageFiles/en.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
# CubeRunner plugin
# Made by PoutineQc
# en.yml - Language file

languageName: "English"

prefixShort: "&7[&5CR&7]"
prefixLong: "&8[&5CubeRunner&8]"

developper: "&5Developped by: &7%developper%"
version: "&5Version: &7%version%"
description: "&dType &5/%command% help &d for the list of commands."

errorPermission: "&4You don't have the permission to do this"
errorCommand: "&cCommand or arena not found. Type &8/%cmd% help &cfor help."
errorTeleport: "&cYou can't teleport away while you are in game. Do &7/cr quit &cto leave it."
errorMissingArena: "&cYou need to specify a valid arena."
errorAlreadyInGame: "&cYou are already in a CubeRunner game."
errorNotInGame: "&cYou are not currently in a CubeRunner game."

infoTip: "&8[&7Tip&8] &7You may also do &8/%cmd% list &7and right click an arena to display it's information."

joinUnready: "&cThe arena you are trying to join is not available."
joinActive: "&cThere is already an active game in the arena you are trying to join."
joinSpectator: "&dJoining as spectator..."
joinPlayer: "&aYou have successfully joined the arena &2%arena%&a."
joinOthers: "&f%player% &djoined your CubeRunner's arena."
joinGuiTitle: "&2Arena List"
joinGuiInfo: "&eClick the name of the arena you wish to go to."
joinGuiTipStarted: "&cActive : &eClick to Spectate"
joinGuiTipJoin: "&aReady : &eClick to Join"

quitPlayer: "&aYou have left the CubeRunner's arena &2%arena%&a."
quitOthers: "&f%player% &dleft your CubeRunner's arena."

startNotReady: "&cThe game is not ready to start at the moment"
startMinimum: "&cThere must be at least %amount% players to start the game."
startMaximum: "&cThere must be at most %amount% players to start the game."
startBroadcast: "&dA new game of &5CubeRunner &dhas been initiated. You may join with the command &5/cr join %arena%&d."
startStop: "&cThe countdown has been stopped. Not enough players in the game anymore."

endCrushPlayer: "&dYou have been crushed with a score of &5%score%&d. Game over!"
endCrushOthers: "&f%player% &dhas been crushed with a score of &5%score%&d."
endHidePlayer: "&dYou have been kicked out of the game for hiding under a block."
endHideOthers: "&f%player% &dhave been kicked out of the game for hiding under a block."
endTeleport: "&dGame is over. Teleporting back in 5 seconds..."
endBest: "&6Congratulation to &f%player% &6who got the new best score of &4%score% &6in the arena &5%arena%"
endReward: "&dYou gain %amount%%currency% for surviving %amount2% seconds."
endBroadcastMultiplayer: "&6Congradulation to &f%player% &6who won a multiplayer game of CubeRunner in the arena &5%arena% &6with a score of &4%score%&6!"
endBroadcastSingleplayer: "&f%player% &6finished a game of CubeRunner in the arena &5%arena% &6with a score of &4%score%&6!"

statsGuiTitle: "&6Stats"
statsInfoAverageScore: "&bAverage Score Per Game"
statsInfoDistanceRan: "&bTotal Distance Ran"
statsInfoGames: "&bGames played"
statsInfoTotalScore: "&bTotal Score"
statsInfoKills: "&bPlayers Killed"
statsInfoMultiplayerWon: "&bMultiplayer games won"
statsInfoTimePlayed: "&dTime Played"
statsInfoMoney: "&dMoney Gained"
statsChallengesTitle: "&bChallenges"

achievementBroadcast: "&f%player% &6just completed the achievement &d%achievementName%&6!"
achievementReward: "&dYou gain %amount%%currency% for your achievement."
achievementAmountGame: "&dPlay %amount% game(s)"
achievementTotalScore: "&dReach total score of %amount%"
achievementKills: "&dKill %amount% player(s)"
achievementMultiplayerWon: "&dWin %amount% multiplayer game(s)"
achievementSurvive5Minutes: "&dSurvive 5 minutes"
achievementReachHeight10: "&dReach height 10"
achievementFillTheArena: "&dFill the arena's floor"
achievementAnswerToLife: "&dThe answer to life the universe and everything"
achievementRageQuit: "&dThe Rage Quit"
achievementKillerBunny: "&dThe Killer Bunny"

editCreateNoname: "&cYou must choose a name for your new arena."
editNewSuccess: "&aAn arena named &2%arena% &ahas been successfully created."
editNewExists: "&cAn arena named &4%arena% &calready exists."
editNewLongName: "&cThe arena's name can't be more than 12 letters long."
editErrorArena: "&cAn arena named &4%arena% &cdoes not exists."
editRegionWorldedit: "&cYou must first choose a World Edit region."
editRegion: "&aZone successfully set for the arena &2%arena%&a."
editStartPoint: "&aStart Point successfully set for the arena &2%arena%&a."
editLobby: "&aLobby successfully set for the arena &2%arena%&a."
editPlayersMissing: "&cYou must provide a quantity to change the amount of players."
editPlayersError: "&cThe amount of player you entered is not valid. &7[&8%error%&7]"
editPlayersNaN: "Not a number"
editPlayersMinimum1: "Minimum lower than 1"
editPlayersMinimumMaximum: "Minimum higher than maximum"
editPlayersMaximumMinimum: "Maximum lower than minimum"
editPlayersMaximum10 : "Maximum higher than 10"
editPlayers: "&aAmount of player successfully edited for the arena &2%arena%&a."
editColorGuiTitle: "&4Color Picker"
editColorGuiInfo: "&eThe enchanted blocks are\n&ethe curently selected ones.\n&eClick a block to\n&eenable or disable it."
editColorError: "&cYou can't edit the colors while a game is active."
editDelete: "&cArena deleted."

languageList: "Available languages"
languageNotFound: "&cLanguage not found. &8/%cmd% language &cfor a list of available languages"
languageChanged: "&aLanguage successfully set to english"

helpErrorPermission: "&cYou do not have any permissions in this category."
helpDescriptionAll: "&7All Commands"
helpDescriptionGeneral: "&7General player commands"
helpDescriptionGame: "&7Commands to simply play the game"
helpDescriptionArena: "&7Commands to setup the arenas"
helpDescriptionAdmin: "&7Admin maintenance commands"

signPerm0: "&cYou don't have"
signPerm1: "&cthe permissions"
signPerm2: "&cto create a DaC"
signPerm3: "&csign, &4Sorry..."
signValid1: "&cNone valid"
signValid2: "&csign parameters"
signValid3: "&cTry again"

keyWordSignJoin: "&aJoin Arena"
keyWordSignQuit: "&cQuit Arena"
keyWordSignStart: "&9Start Game"
keyWordSignStats: "&6Stats"
keyWordSignPlay: "&aPlay"
keyWordSignTop: "&bBest Score"

keyWordGuiInstructions: "&6Instructions"
keyWordGuiPage: "&ePage %number%"

keyWordGameStateUnset: "&7Arena Unset"
keyWordGameStatReady: "&aReady"
keyWordGameStatStartup: "&9Startup"
keyWordGameStatActive: "&cActive"

keyWordGeneralHours: "hours"
keyWordGeneralMinutes: "minutes"
keyWordGeneralSeconds: "seconds"
keyWordGeneralDistance: "km"
keyWordGeneralBy: "by"

keyWordHelp: "Help"
keyWordHelpCategory: "Category"
keyWordHelpPage: "Page"

keyWordInfo: "Information"
keyWordInfoAdvanced: "Advanced Information"
keyWordInfoMinimum: "Minimum"
keyWordInfoMaximum: "Maximum"
keyWordInfoCurrent: "Current"
keyWordInfoAmountPlayer: "amount of players"
keyWordInfoGameState: "game state"
keyWordInfoWorld: "World"
keyWordInfoLobby: "Lobby"
keyWordInfoStartPoint: "Start point"
keyWordInfoZoneMinPoint: " zone coordinate"
keyWordInfoBestScore: "Best Score"

keyWordStatsTop10: "Top 10"
keyWordStatsProgression: "Progression"
keyWordStatsCompleted: "Completed"
keyWordStatsNotCompleted: "Not Completed"
keyWordStatsReward: "Reward"

keyWordScoreboardPlayers: "Players"
keyWordScoreboardScore: "Score"

adminReload: "&aPlugin CubeRunner has been successfully reloaded."

cmdDescriptionHelp: "&7You already know how to do that don't you? ;)"
cmdDescriptionLanguage: "&7Change your own language for CubeRunner's plugin."
cmdDescriptionStats: "&7Opens your CubeRunner's stats."
cmdDescriptionList: "&7Opens a list of all the arenas."
cmdDescriptionInfo: "&7Display every information from the selected arena."
cmdDescriptionJoin: "&7Join the specified game or open a GUI to choose."
cmdDescriptionQuit: "&7Leave your current game."
cmdDescriptionStart: "&7Initiate the starting countdown."
cmdDescriptionNew: "&7Creates a new CubeRunner arena."
cmdDescriptionDelete: "&7Delete the specified arena."
cmdDescriptionSetzone: "&7Set the delimitation of the selected arena with a World Edit region."
cmdDescriptionSetlobby: "&7Set the lobby of the selected arena."
cmdDescriptionStartpoint: "&7Set the start point of the selected arena."
cmdDescriptionSetcolor: "&7Set the block colors for the arena"
cmdDescriptionSetminplayer: "&7Set the minimum amount of player for an arena."
cmdDescriptionSetmaxplayer: "&7Set the maximum amount of player for an arena."
cmdDescriptionReload: "&7Reload the config, the player data and the language files."

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