Create class FractionNumber which is fractional representation of any number. What does it mean? Any number can be represented in following format: 1/4, 4/4, 10/3, etc. Your class should be able to work with such number representations.
There are following requirements for this class:
- class should contain dividend and divisor.
- dividend and divisor should be normalized. Here are some examples of normalization:
- dividend = 3, divisor = 9. Fraction Number should be 1/3
- dividend = 9, divisor = 9. Fraction Number should be 1/1
- dividend = 9, divisor = 3. Fraction Number should be 3/1
- dividend = 9, divisor = -3. Fraction Number should be -3/1
- dividend = -9, divisor = -3. Fraction Number should be 3/1
- dividend = -9, divisor = 3. Fraction Number should be -3/1
- dividend = 0, divisor = 3. Fraction Number should be 0/1
- fraction number should be immutable. This means that there is no way to change the original value.
- divisor must not be 0
- class should have such methods:
- get dividend
- get divisor
- get decimal value. Example: dividend = 1, divisor = 4, decimal value for 1/4 = 0.25
- to string method. Returns string in following format '1/4'
- add another fraction number
- subtract another fraction number
- multiply by another fraction number
- divide to another fraction number
- there should be possibility to create fraction number with specifying only dividend. Default value for divisor value should be 1.
- create predefined objects ONE which is equal to 1/1 and ZERO which is equal to 0/1
Create demo class which demonstrates how all thing works.
Create class hierarchy Employees. There should be 3 types of employees: Manager, Programmer, Accountant. Every employee should be able to:
- set salary
- work specified amount of hours
- calculate current month salary
- get ratio of worked hours
Each employee should work 160 hours per month to get 100% of salary. Employees salary depends on worked hours. Programmers salary is directly proportional to the number of worked hours. Accountant and Manager are the same, but get only 100% of salary in case of overtimes. Accountant should be able to calculate overall salary for all accountable employees (including himself).
- Programmer with salary 100$ worked 80 hours -> salary 50$
- Programmer with salary 100$ worked 320 hours -> salary 200$
- Accountant and Manager with salary 100$ worked 80 hours -> salary 50$
- Accountant and Manager with salary 100$ worked 320 hours -> salary 100$
Create demo class which demonstrates how all thing works.
Create class matrix. It should contains of:
- 2d array of real numbers
- rows count
- columns count
Matrix should be have such methods:
- add another matrix to this
- subtract another matrix from this
- multiply by a number
- multiply by another matrix
- transposition of current matrix
- to string method
Create demo class which demonstrates how all thing works.