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A GenBank data mining program for (mostly fungal) taxonomists

GenMine downloads GenBank nucleotide records GenMine filters downloaded data with frequently used genes in taxonomy.


Citation: Chang Wan Seo, Sung Hyun Kim, Young Woon Lim & Myung Soo Park (2022) Re-Identification on Korean Penicillium Sequences in GenBank Collected by Software GenMine, Mycobiology, DOI: 10.1080/12298093.2022.2116816


  • pip
pip install GenMine
  • conda
conda install -c cwseo GenMine


Basic usage

  • Download all Penicillium records
GenMine -e [email protected] -g Penicillium
  • Download all Penicillium records and then filter records with term "Korea"
GenMine -e [email protected] -g Penicillium -a Korea
  • Download data accession numbers
GenMine -e [email protected] -c ON417149.1 ON417150.1

Advanced usage

  • Download records of multiple genera
GenMine -e [email protected] -g Penicillium Trichoderma Alternaria
  • Download records of multiple genera given by file
GenMine -e [email protected] -g genera.txt

"genera.txt" should be like this

  • Download records of multiple accession given by file
GenMine -e [email protected] -c accessions.txt

"accessions.txt" should be like this

  • Continue download from interrupted run (only for accessions, for genus, it will automatically solve if you launch GenMine in same location)
GenMine -e [email protected] -c accessions.txt -o "2022-11-02-00-12-08"
# Caution 1: -o should be name of previous run result directory
# Caution 2: will not work for finished run


  • Basic Parameters
--genus, -g : List of genus to find | File with genera in each line
--accession, -c : List of accessions to get | File with accessions in each line
--email, -e : your email for NCBI access
  • Optional Parameters
--additional, -a : additional terms (ex. country name) to filter 
--max, -m : maximum length of the sequence to parse (default: 5000)

Output explanations

Main output



GenMine is a python program that parses records from GenBank and sort by gene names, based on Entrez library. Comparing to Entrez, GenMiner has some advantages and disadvantages


  • GenMine doesn't misses records, especially with multiple terms
  • GenMine can download discontinuously, especially useful in low internet condition
  • GenMine classifies downloaded records by gene types (ITS, LSU, SSU, BenA etc...)
  • If you want more gene types, issue it!
  • We are currently working on better gene annotations


  • Slower than Entrez (sometimes a lot), due to completeness and stability

Bug reports and Suggestions

  • Bug reports and suggestions are available in Github Issues or directly to [email protected]
  • However, we want GenMine to remain as small tool. For suggestions little bit too much for the purpose of GenMine might be accepted in our upcomming softwares