My idea with this software project is to create a project that can be used to create a complete platform with login and the initial base for creating other pages, in the back-end a .NET Core solution that applies direct access to the database data without using ORM, which provides better performance in general.
VueJs, .NET Core, PostgreSQL, Node.js Webpack. Contains JSON API endpoints consumed by the front-end application. Houses object classes used across all solutions. Implements business rules such as persistence logic, repository patterns, libraries, and interfaces.
PostgreSQL script to create user tables.
After creating a PostgreSQL database user, run table creation scripts.
Configure database connection settings in\\Connection.cs.
Utilizes JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication and authorization.
- Single Page Application (SPA) developed in Vue.js.
- JavaScript files compiled via webpack.
Developed using Visual Studio 2022 and VS Code