Dockerfiles to build ctf pwn environments. The dockerfiles are wrote for personal use, but you can use them as you like.
You can pull the latest version of the image from aliyun:
docker pull
Or you can build the docker image with a simple command.:
docker build -t ctf-image .
If you need a proxy to speed up the build process, you can provide it with --build-arg
docker build -t ctf-image --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy= .
Run the container with the following command, you will get a tmux shell. (You will be asked to configure powerlevel10k before you get the shell, after that you can run p10k configure
if you want to change the configurations)
docker run -it --name ctf --hostname ctf -v "$PWD/work":/home/ctf/work ctf-image
And you don't have to execute the docker run
command every time you want to use it, just use docker start
docker start -ai ctf