- dot net 6
- cshtml
- C#
- ASP Core MVC MS Build
- 1. Clone this repo.
- _X. dotnet add package MySqlConnector -v 2.2.0
- _8. create the file appsettings.json, and what code to include in it. We recommend using the above formatting and directing users to replace [YOUR-USERNAME-HERE] and [YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE] with the user's own user and password values. also add [YOUR-DB-NAME] with database used
- _this format ->
- 2. Open your terminal (e.g., Terminal or GitBash) and navigate to this project's production directory called "ProjectFile".
- 3. In the command line, run the command
\$ dotnet run
to compile and execute the console application. Since this is a console application, you'll interact with it through text commands in your terminal. - 4. Optionally, you can run
\$ dotnet build
to compile this console app without running it. - 5. Use
\$ dotnet test run
in the Test directory to run test on the application - 6. use
\$ dotnet watch run
to cycle the server - 7. use
\$ dotnet watch run --launch-profile "production"
to run in production mode
- Any known issues
- should go here