This is a project of a User Profile Design, that i've made to study Design Concepts and NextJS. π This project was made as a part of #30Days30Projects Challenge, created by @florinpop17, that consists in: create a project per day along 30 days. π€
- Utility-first CSS framework: Tailwind CSS β
- Framework React: Next JS β
- Host: Vercel β
I've deployed this project on Vercel(The company that have created NextJS), and you can see a live preview here:
Live Preview
Use git clone on terminal to have this project on your machine
Run cd to open the folder of project
Run npm install
inside the folder to install the dependencies of this project.
Run npm run dev
to run development server of this project on your machine
Just it! Now you can access this project by: localhost:3000 on your browser.