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Chuck Lu edited this page Sep 7, 2019 · 6 revisions


Silverfish a Hearthstone AI derived from, which based on Heuristic Brute Force AI algorithm. You can get more detail about the algorithm from thesis Programming a Hearthstone agent usingMonte Carlo Tree Search in section 4.2 Heuristic Brute Force AI.
Can heuristic algorithms be brute force algorithms too?

4.2.2 Move Generation
The Heuristic Brute Force AI attempt to look at all possible actions within it’s turn. The number of possible moves scale exponentially with the number of minions on board and cards in hand, so the AI is limited to 30 seconds of computation, after which it gives up and plays the best sequence of moves that it has found thus far. The HBF AI does not consider the possible moves beyond the current turn, as there are too many possibilities, which prohibits brute-force search approach

How to

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