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This project creates a docker-based Zookeeper container that supports dynamically changing the enemble configuration based on consul service discovery. This allows you to spin up and modify ZK ensembles quickly.

Warning! This is a test of consul-template. Don't use for anything important at this time, as we haven't tested various failure scenarios.


  • Uses consul-template to dynamicaly write zoo.cfg and restart Zookeeper
  • Supplies environment variables for registrator for service discovery
  • Configurable via environment variables passed to container
  • Supports docker-assigned ports for client, peer and leaders (you can run multiple zookeepers on the same machine without port conflicts)
  • Will generate random ZKIDs if one is not provided
  • Supports tagging for use with registrator and consul service discovery


This image is available in the Docker hub as asteris/zookeeper:latest. To build your own use the included Makefile. You can override any of the NAME, REPO or TAG:

cd zookeeper-3.4
NAME=zk make -e
REPO=mycompany NAME=zk TAG=test make -e tag

Pushing to the Docker hub:

REPO=mycompany NAME=zk TAG=test make -e push


From the command line

  • Ensure that consul is running. We recommend using the instructions from docker-consul. The container should be named consul

  • Ensure that registrator is running:

        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
        -h $HOSTNAME progrium/registrator```
  • Optional: configure dnsmasq to use consul for DNS. See

  • Run ./

  • If you want to use Consul DNS instead of container linking, replace the --link consul:consul line in the script with a CONSUL_CONNECT pointing to the dns name of the consul system

Environment variables

Variable Default Description
CONSUL_CONNECT consul:8500 DNS name of consul server. If using dnsmasq + consul you can use consul.service.consl instead and pass --dns= when starting the container
CONSUL_MINWAIT 20s Consul template minimum wait
CONSUL_MAXWAIT 60s Consul template maximum wait
CONSUL_QUERY ${CONSUL_SERVICE} if ${CONSUL_TAG} is defined the default will be ${CONSUL_TAG}.${CONSUL_SERVICE} Consul template query. For example, set the tag & service name to have consul template look for systems like: cluster1.zookeeper
CONSUL_SERVICE zookeeper Consul Service discovery name
CONSUL_TAG Not defined Consul Service discovery tag
ZOO_LOG_DIR ${ZK_LOG_DIR} log4j zookeeper.out file location
ZK_DATA_DIR /var/lib/zookeeper location of Zookeeper data
ZK_LOG_DIR /var/log/zookeeper location of Zookeeper dataLog
ZK_HOME /opt/zookeeper Zookeeper install directory
ZK_ID 1 Zookeeper serverid

##License This software is released under an Apache 2.0 License

Copyright Asteris, LLC 2014


Zookeeper Dockerfiles, including 3.5.0 alpha







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