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🍂 API for volunteer work events 🍂

Development with Docker

  1. Copy compose.env.example to compose.env and modify it if needed.

  2. Run docker compose up

  3. Import geo data

    • docker exec -it haravajarjestelma-backend python geo_import --municipalities finland
    • docker exec -it haravajarjestelma-backend python geo_import --addresses helsinki
    • docker exec -it haravajarjestelma-backend python import_helsinki_contract_zones

The project is now running at localhost:8085

Development without Docker

Install pip-tools

  • Run pip install pip-tools

Creating Python requirements files

  • Run pip-compile

Updating Python requirements files

  • Run pip-compile --upgrade

Installing Python requirements

  • Run pip-sync requirements.txt


To setup a database compatible with default database settings:

Create user and database

sudo -u postgres createuser -P -R -S haravajarjestelma  # use password `haravajarjestelma`
sudo -u postgres createdb -O haravajarjestelma haravajarjestelma

Create extensions in the database

sudo -u postgres psql haravajarjestelma -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Allow user to create test database

sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER haravajarjestelma CREATEDB;"

Run migrations if needed:

python migrate

Create superuser if needed:

python createsuperuser

Import geo data

python geo_import --municipalities finland
python geo_import --addresses helsinki
python import_helsinki_contract_zones

Daily running

  • Set the DEBUG environment variable to 1.
  • Run python migrate
  • Run python runserver 0:8085

The project is now running at localhost:8085

Periodic tasks

In order to get reminder notifications of upcoming events sent to contractors, ./ send_event_reminder_notifications needs to be run periodically, preferably daily.


The following settings can be used to configure the application either using environment variables or

  • EXCLUDED_CONTRACT_ZONES: List of names of contract zones that should not be imported. Default [].

    Example env: EXCLUDED_CONTRACT_ZONES=Itä-Helsingin kartanopihat,Suomenlinna

  • EVENT_MINIMUM_DAYS_BEFORE_START: Minimum amount of days an event needs to be created in advance before it's start. Default 7.

  • EVENT_MAXIMUM_COUNT_PER_CONTRACT_ZONE: Maximum amount of events there can be on one day per contract zone. Default: 3.

  • EVENT_REMINDER_DAYS_IN_ADVANCE: Number of days event reminders to contractors are sent in advance. Default 2.

  • HELSINKI_WFS_BASE_URL: Base URL of Helsinki WFS API that is used as the source for contract zones. Default

Code format

This project uses black, flake8 and isort for code formatting and quality checking. Project follows the basic black config, without any modifications.

Basic black commands:

  • To let black do its magic: black .
  • To see which files black would change: black --check .

pre-commit can be used to install and run all the formatting tools as git hooks automatically before a commit.

Commit message format

New commit messages must adhere to the Conventional Commits specification, and line length is limited to 72 characters.

When pre-commit is in use, commitlint checks new commit messages for the correct format.

API documentation

OpenAPI 3 definition of the API can be found here.