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Service URLs

  • JSON-API: http://:88/
  • API-Documentation: http://:88/readme

Ethereum Contract ABI Converter:

Rinkeby Authenticated Faucet:

Perl Dependencies Installation Commands:

apt update && apt install cpan libio-socket-inet6-perl libssl-dev libz-dev
cpan App::cpanminus
cpanm HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::PreFork File::Slurper HTTP::Request LWP::UserAgent LWP::Protocol::https Math::BigInt Math::BigFloat JSON

Perl Dependencies:

  • HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::PreFork (requires IPv6 or libio-socket-inet6-perl and debian packages 'libssl-dev' & 'libz-dev')
  • File::Slurper
  • HTTP::Request
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • LWP::Protocol::https
  • Math::BigFloat
  • Math::BigInt
  • JSON
  • ______ below should be installed by previous automatically ______
  • HTTP::Server::Simple
  • IO::Socket::INET6 (if libio-socket-inet6-perl is not installed / only IPv4 as example)
  • Net::Server
  • Net::Server::PreFork
  • Net::Server::Proto::SSLEAY
  • Net::Server::Single
  • Net::SSLeay
  • Socket6
  • . . . and possibly others . . .