We're going to explore some fundamental concepts of XQuery and then try out some applications.
- 01-Introduction covers some fundamentals of XQuery.
- 02-Exploring-TEI-with-XQuery applies what we've learned about XQuery so far to the analysis of poetry and drama.
- 03-Accessing-JSON-with-XQuery illustrates the basics of accessing JSON with XQuery maps and arrays.
- 04-Integrating-CSV-and-JSON demonstrates how to convert between different formats like CSV, JSON, and XML.
- 05-Generating-JSON-and-CSV demonstrates how to generate formats like CSV and JSON from XML.
- 06-OPDS-OpenRefine-and-IIIF demonstrates opportunities for serving data into OPDS, OpenRefine, and IIIF.
You've got several options for an XQuery processor.
BaseX is an open source XML database. I recommend downloading the Windows installer if you're using Windows and using Homebrew if you're on a Mac. The installation command is brew install basex
Note: Installing BaseX may require that you update to Java 7. If so, install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and try again.
eXist is another open source XML database. The latest release is 3.4.0. If you are on a Mac, you can also install with Homebrew: brew cask install exist-db
. When you run for eXist for the first time, you'll need to set configuration settings. We recommend that you accept the defaults for now. After eXist starts, navigate to eXide, its browser-based query executive engine.
If you're using the oXygen XML editor, we're assuming that you're using Saxon PE (professional edition) v. or later and that you've turned on support for XQuery 3.0. Check your settings to make sure we'll all on the same page.