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Github Stars Commits-per-week Discord License: AGPL-3.0 Docker Pulls


Kaizen is an open-source AI-powered suite for code review, test generation, and end-to-end testing. It integrates seamlessly with your existing code repositories and workflows to enhance software quality and streamline development processes.

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  • End-to-End Testing: AI-generated comprehensive tests based on your application's code and documentation.
  • UI Testing and Review: Insightful reviews for UI components with automatic test generation.
  • Code Review: Automated pull request reviews with code change summaries and improvement suggestions.

Cloud Platform

Kaizen offers a cloud platform for seamless integration and enhanced features. Access it at

Watch our introduction video to learn more about Kaizen:

Kaizen Introduction

Getting Started

  1. Install Kaizen:

    pip install kaizen-cloudcode
  2. Generate tests:

    PYTHONPATH=. poetry run python examples/basic/
  3. Execute tests:

    PYTHONPATH=. poetry run python examples/basic/


    pytest -v .kaizen/ui-tests/

GitHub App Setup

For PR review and description updates, set up a GitHub App:

  1. Follow the guide in docs/pages/
  2. Deploy the API using Docker:
    docker-compose up

Note: Create a .env file from .env.example and store the GitHub app PEM file as GITHUB_APP_KEY.pem.

Project Structure

  • github_app: API server for the GitHub app
  • kaizen: Main logic for LLM interaction and data processing
  • docs: Project documentation
  • examples: Sample code for various use cases


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Open a Pull Request


Kaizen is released under the AGPL License.


For support or inquiries, contact us at [email protected].