This repository contains a sample blueprint template and input file that can be used as a basis to create your own custom blueprints. It contains two files.
- A skeleton template containing two module definitions that can be customized to deploy your Terraform automation configs and modules.sample-input.yaml
- An input file pre-populated with input values for the sample template
The editing and validation of blueprint templates in VSCode utilizes the Red Hat VSCode YAML extension from the VSCode Marketplace with a blueprint JSON-Schema. Follow the YAML language extension and blueprint schema installation and configuration instructions to configure your VSCode environment.
To use this example to create your own blueprint template in VSCode, first create a copy of this template in your own Git repository or version control system. These instructions refer to the use with Github:
- Navigate to the main page of this repository
- Click Use this template
- Select Create a new repository
- Use the Owner drop-down menu, and select the account where want to create the new repository
- Type a name for your repository
- Click Create repository from template
Clone your new template repository to your local machine for editing:
- Navigate to the main page of your new repository
- Click <> Code (Download Code)
- Clone the repo to your local machine using: HTTPS, SSH, GitHub CLI or Github Desktop
- Open the local folder containing the template repo contents as a new VSCode workspace
- Optionally rename the template and input files for your blueprint.
- Select the file
for editing - Just above the top of the file contents, the selected schema is displayed.
With the extension and schema configured, VSCode will provide assisted editing for blueprint templates.
To customize the template to deploy your own infrastructure, refer to the Blueprint documentation for an overview of blueprint templates and configuration.
To start on editing the template and inputs, then deploying the blueprint, follow the steps laid out in Defining Blueprints.
This sample template links two Terraform configs as modules.
Replace all enclosed text, <module_1>, <output_1> with values for your modules.
The TF configs used in this blueprint are sourced from the repo
Blueprint file: sample-template-blueprint.yaml
├── module_1
| └── source:
└── module_2
└── source:
The sample-template-blueprint.yaml template file accepts the following inputs:
Name | Type | Value | Description |
variable_1 | string | ||
variable_2 | string |
The sample-template-blueprint.yaml template creates the following outputs:
Name | Type | Value | Description |
<outputs_1> | string | ||
<outputs_2> | string |
The input file defines the variable names and values for the required blueprint template inputs.
Name | Type | Value | Description |
cos_instance_name | string | blueprint-basic | Name for COS instance |
cos_storage_plan | string | lite | Service plan type for COS instance |
Deployable template examples can be found in the IBM Cloud Schematics GitHub repository.