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Application not configured Application not responding

anandkumarpatel edited this page Mar 22, 2016 · 1 revision

if you get one of these error pages something is wrong with hipache

how hipache works hipache takes request then looks up that URL in redis format of keys in redis frontend:<url>

list all keys keys frontend:*

view keys lrange frontend:<url> 0 -1

1) some string that does not matter

2 is the ip and port of where hipache will proxy

Application not configured: means redis is missing an entry for that URL

  1. if you get this check the person who writes these entries
  2. ansible writes main hipache entries (api, apisock)
  3. api writes userland entries

Application not responding: means the key exist in redis BUT it hit an error when proxying

  1. if they are main hipache, the service is down or security groups are messed up
  2. if userland, check connection to navi
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