You need to decode, encode or do some processing stuff on multimedia streams, files or whatever mencoder can read? You want to implement your solution in C# or some other .net language? Here you are! This is an assembly which wrappes calls to e.g. reencode some source with a other codec.
Nugetpackage MencoderSharp:
Install-Package MencoderSharp
Documentation @Nudoq Watch the demo
- Sync or Async execution
- No Gui-Freezing in Asyncmode
- Progress recognition of mencoder
- Comes with an mencoder bin that works on win32 & win64
- Can make use of any mencoder bin in place (Windows & Linux)
- mp4 / h.264 works fine
- Streaming source from ftp, http, ... (That was the reason I created this project)
var mencoderAsync = new MencoderSharp.MencoderAsync();
private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
buttonStart.Enabled = false;
progressBar1.Visible = true;
mencoderAsync.StartEncodeAsync(labelSource.Text, labelDestinationPath.Text, textBoxVideoParameter.Text, textBoxAudioParamter.Text);
private void MencoderSharpDemo_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
mencoderAsync.Finished += this.mencoder_Finished;
mencoderAsync.ProgressChanged += this.mencoder_Progress;
private void mencoder_Finished(object sender, EventArgs e)
richTextBox1.Text = mencoderAsync.Result.StandardOutput;
private void mencoder_Progress(object sender, EventArgs e)
progressBar1.Value = mencoderAsync.Progress;
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