This is an open lab assignment for CSCI 5350, Intro to Artificial Intelligent.
This goal of this code is to explore the results of using different algorithms on the 8-puzzle problem. is a problem-solving software agent that performs A* search for the 8-puzzle problem. should read a 8-puzzle board configuration from standard input:
2 8 1
0 4 3
7 6 5
and take two arguments(integer: heuristic to use, integer: cost per step).
Random uses random actions to generate random starting states for the 8-puzzle problem. Random should read the input (the goal) from standard input:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
accept two arguments (integer: random number generator seed, integer: number of random moves to make), and print a final board configuration to standard output in the same format as the input file format.