RectifiedGrid is a Python package which, combining into a single class several pythonpackages (e.g. Numpy, SciPy, shapely, rasterio, fiona, geopandas, owslib, matplotlib-basemaps), simplifies geospatial grid-based analyses. Numpy is a notable package for scientific computing with a support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices: RectifiedGrid extends the numpy MaskedArray class by adding geospatial functionalities (i.e. projection awareness, boundingboxes, raster algebra). RectifiedGrid employs rasterio and fiona under the hood for raster and vector I/O and owslibto access data through OGC interoperable services.
RectifiedGrid has been initialy developed to support Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning analyses.
import rectifiedgrid as rg
grid = rg.read_raster('test/data/adriatic_ionian.tiff', masked=True)
RectifiedGrid wraps Matplotlib Basemap Toolkit functions.
grid.plotmap(rivers=True, countries=True,
grid=True, coast=True)
import rectifiedgrid as rg
b4 = rg.read_raster('test/data/b04.tiff', masked=True)
b8 = rg.read_raster('test/data/b08.tiff', masked=True)
ndvi = (b8 - b4)/(b8 + b4)
ndvi.plotmap(cmap=cmap_ndvi, legend=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
RectifiedGrid implements a function wrapper (wrap_func) to apply array-wise functions.
In this example we use the distance_transform_bf (from scipy.ndimage,morphology) to calculate the distance from the coast for the Adriatic-Inonian region.
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_bf
distances = grid.wrap_func(distance_transform_bf)
# plotting
plt.figure(figsize=[10, 8])
distances.plotmap(rivers=True, countries=True,
grid=True, coast=True, legend=True)
Please, when you use rectifiedgrid cite as:
Menegon S, Sarretta A, Barbanti A, Gissi E, Venier C. (2016) Open source tools to support Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2245v2. doi: [10.5334/jors.106] (