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gbalduzz edited this page Oct 1, 2020 · 23 revisions


Building DCA++ requires a set of tools and libraries:

  • C++17 compiler (tested: gcc >= 7.5.0)

  • CMake >= 3.3

  • HDF5 with the C++ interface (tested: 1.8.13 and 1.10)

  • FFTW3 or an FFT library with the FFTW3 interface (e.g. Intel MKL)


  • MPI (if requested)

To enable the GPU support:

  • CUDA Toolkit (tested: 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 10.1, 10.2, 11.0)

  • MAGMA (tested: 2.5.1 with CUDA 10.1)

Further optional requirements:

  • Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, h5py
    We provide python scripts to prepare input files and job scripts to do a cooldown (see Running) and for analyzing and plotting simulation results.

Building steps (supported clusters)

We provide scripts to load the modules and set the correct cmake variables for a set of compute clusters. The scripts are located in build-aux. For example building with tests on Summit is done by

git clone
cd DCA; mkdir -p build; cd build
source ../build-aux/
cmake -C ../build-aux/summit.cmake -DDCA_WITH_TESTS_FAST=ON -DDCA_WITH_TESTS_EXTENSIVE=ON  ..
make -j 16

The tests can be run from a compute node with


Building steps (general)

  1. Clone the DCA++ repository to obtain the latest version of the master branch:

     $ git clone dca_source

    Alternatively, you can download a specific version from the releases.

  2. Create a clean build directory and change to it:

     $ mkdir build && cd build

    The directory tree should now look like:

     |____build (current working directory)

    Note that in-source builds are not allowed.

  3. Use CMake to configure the build and generate the build files:

     $ cmake ../dca_source -D<variable1>=<value1> -D<variable2>=<value2> ...

    The cmake command needs to be followed by the path to the source (here ../dca_source) and can be supplemented by a list of options using the -D flag. Depending on the system built on, some of these options are required.

    When CMake is run the first time, it automatically detects the C++ compiler and stores it in the variable CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER. Note that the compiler cannot be changed later. If you want to use a specific compiler (e.g. an MPI compiler wrapper), you can set it (in a clean build directory) with:

     $ CXX=/opt/local/bin/clang++-mp-3.6 cmake ...
  4. Compile the applications and tests, if enabled:

     $ make

    On multi-core machines, you can use the -j option of the make command to parallelize the compilation and reduce the compilation time:

     $ make -j <number-of-cores>

    If you want to see the full compiler and linker commands, add the verbose option:

     $ make VERBOSE=1

    The binaries of the applications main_dca and main_analysis are located in build/applications/dca/ and build/applications/analysis/, respectively.

  5. If tests have been compiled, you can run them with:

     $ make test

    Note that on hybrid CPU-GPU systems, you have to set CRAY_CUDA_MPS (formerly CRAY_CUDA_PROXY) to 1, since some of the tests that use the GPU run multiple MPI tasks per node:

     $ export CRAY_CUDA_MPS=1

Further reading

How to build DCA++ on ORNL's Titan supercomputer

How to build DCA++ on ORNL's Summit supercomputer