Teacher: Vincent Gauthier
Assistant: Gatien Roujanski
- Clone this repository
- Each challenge must be validated with a professor and then committed and pushed to your own github repository.
- Before starting a given step, present the sketch of your infrastructure to a professor.
- We strongly recommend that you use Alpine OS as the base operating system for your docker image.
On your own computer install the following software:
- Docker Desktop
- Conda
- IDE (VSCode, etc)
- Build a one page Flask application which contains the following elements:
- Your name
- Your project name
- Version of your website (i.e. V1)
- The server hostname
- The current date
- Build a docker container which contains your Flask web page
- Test your application
- Send your docker container on DockerHub
- Draw a schema of your systems (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the container IP address
- Show the container ports
Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. It has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions. However, Flask supports extensions that can add application features as if they were implemented in Flask itself.
A minimal Flask application looks something like this:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return "<p>Hello, World!</p>"
Now you can run the web serveur you just created
$ flask --app hello run
* Serving Flask app 'hello'
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
See the quickstart guide for more information
- Find a already made mongodb docker container (for instance the mongodb community server)
- Use docker compose to deploy your mongodb database
- Test your application and add record in your database manually with the mongod command (see the install requirement for mongodb
- Update the schema of your infrastructure (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the containers IP address or hostname
- Show the container ports
MongoDB is a database based on nosql. It's easier to create a master/slave database cluster when using nosql.
- Update your Flask application and add the following items:
- Your name
- Your project name
- Version of your website (i.e. V1)
- The server hostname
- The current date
- Flask application should connect to a mongodb database each time a request is served :
- It connects to the mongodb database through pymongo
- For each request, it will record in the mongodb database:
- The IP address of the client
- The current date
- Your flask application should display the last 10 records of the database
- Update Flask app version displayed on the page to V2
- Finaly deploy your services using a docker compose file with the following elements:
- Docker service for your website (your flask application)
- Docker service for your mongodb database
- Network to connect the previous services
- Send your docker container on DockerHub with the correct tags.
- Update the schema of your infrastructure (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the container IP address
- Show the container ports
- Docker compose gettig started
- Configure the default network
- How to get the last N records in mongodb?
Add a NGINX load balancer to your Docker compose file. Update your docker compose file with the following elements:
- 2 Flask application
- Deploy 1 Flask app without database connections
- Deploy 1 Flask app with database connections
- 1 NGINX load balancer which balances the load between the two web server
- 1 Mongodb database
- Network
- Update the schema of your infrastructure (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the container IP address and the hostname of each container
- Show the container ports
- Ask the professor to get access to the Kubernetes server: register your Telecom SudParis email ([email protected]) as a valid google address or provide valid gmail address ([email protected]).
- Install gcloud cli
- Install kubectl
- You should have access to the cluster dashboard at the following address: https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes
- Login with gcloud
$ gcloud auth login
- Select net-4255 as the default project
$ gcloud config set project net-4255
- Install the kubeconfig file on your computer
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials net4255-gke --location=us-central1-a
After this command you should have kubeconfig.yml file on your laptop. This file will enable you to get access to the kubernetes cluster.
$ ls $HOME/.kube/
Export kubeconfig file
$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/kubeconfig.yml
Now, you should be able to connect to the kuberntest cluster. Check the following command in order to check the connection.
$ kubectl cluster-info
You should see a namespace with your name !!! with the following command:
$ kubectl get namespace
- Follow the Kubernetes Tutorial
Create your first deployment in command line with the kubectl command:
- Create a deployment for the webnodb container in your own namespace
- Without any replicat
- Without any service
- Check that your deployment is successful in the google cloud console and with the command line:
$ kubectl get deployments -o wide
$ kubectl get pods -o wide
- Test the pod web server id correctly running with port-forwarding
$ kubectl port-forward pods/xxxx your pod name xxxx :xxx pod port xxx --namespace=xxxx your namespace xxxx
Forwarding from -> 5000
Now you can connect with your browser to
to access the webnodb website.
- Deploying your first app on Kubernetes
- Utiliser le Port Forwarding pour accéder à des applications dans un cluster
- Create a Deployment file for your container webnodb (the one without database)
- Be careful, create your Deployment and the ClusterIP service in your on namespace !!!!
- Show on a new schema how a request is served from the service to the pods:
- The schema should explain which port is used at each step and what IP address is used by each component (nodes, pods, services)
- Request the following resources per pod:
- cpu resource: 1/10 CPU per pod
- memory: 100 Mo per pod
- Limit your pod resources as the following:
- cpu resourse: 1/5 of CPU per pod
- memory: 200 Mo per pod
- Connect to the cluster through a proxy with the following command or use port-forwarding to test your application:
$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on
Now should be able to access to the webnodb web page at the following url
- Update the schema of your infrastructure (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the container IP address and the hostname of each container
- Show the container ports
- Kubernetes YAML File Explained - Deployment and Service
- Accessing services running on the cluster
- Manually constructing apiserver proxy URLs
- Resource Management for Pods and Containers
Challenge 8: Deploy on the Kubernetes cluster your website (webdb) and the respective mongodb database (2pts)
- Deploy the webdb web service with 3 replica and its related service (NodePort)
- Deploy the mongodb database and its related service (ClusterIP)
- Connect the web service to the database using kubernetes DNS hostname
- Explain the difference between a NodePort Service and a ClusterIP service
- Validate your deployment (webdb, mongodb) by using port-forwarding
- Request the following resources per pod:
- cpu resource: 1/10 CPU per pod
- memory: 100 Mo per pod
- Limit your pod resources as the following:
- cpu resourse: 1/5 of CPU per pod
- memory: 200 Mo per pod
- Update the schema of your infrastructure (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the container IP address and the hostname of each container
- Show the container ports
- Create a Ingress in order to expose your web application (webnodb and webdb)
- GKE has some custom-made feature in order to deploy Ingress, be sure to read carefully to Ingress documentation of GKE
- Don't forget to deploy your ingress in your own namespace !!!
- The kubenetes cluster has a public IP address with the hostname: "net4255.luxbulb.org" create a service that redirects http traffic of the following url to your respective deployment:
- url 1: http://webnodb.your_name.net4255.luxbulb.org/ => deployment webnodb
- url 2: http://webdb.your_name.net4255.luxbulb.org/ => deployment webdb
- Test your Ingress
- Update the schema of your infrastructure (ex. draw.io)
- Show the system
- Show the container IP address and the hostname of each container
- Show the container ports
Warning, please call the teacher before applying your Ingress.
- Create a HELM Chart to deploy the whole infrastructure
- Use ConfigMaps to store database hostname and port information
- Instead of a traditional deployment use a StafulSet to deploy your mongodb database
- Use a Persistant Volume to store the database content
- Stockage ressource : 0.1 Go
- Update the previous mongodb service with a headless service
- There should be only one replicat for the mongodb database
- Explain what is a StatefulSet and in which case it is usefull
- Explain what is a headless service, how pods are named with headless service
- Update your previous Helm chart accordinly
- Your first database in the statefulSet (example: mongo-0) should have a valid DNS hostname
- Kubernetes StatefulSet simply explained
- StatefulSets
- Tutorial/Howto about StatefulSet
- Kubernetes Volumes explained
- GKE Volumes persistants et provisionnement dynamique
- How to set pvc with statefulset in kubernetes?
- Update the version number in each of the HTML page of the respective website (webdb and webnodb) and rebuild their repective docker container (and bump up their version humber)
- Deploy your new container as a rolling update
- Create a deployment that spin a new pod when the CPU utilization of a pod cross a certain threasold (e.g.: 60% Utilization)
- Limit to maximum number of pods to be deploy to 10 pods
- Define Liveness Probe for each container in your Chart
- Becareful each application might need a specific type of probe
- Explain you choose a spefic type of probe for a given application
- Create a Network policy that restrict access to the database only to IP address corresponding to your Web Pods
- Test your network policy
- Create a master-slave architecture with mongodb
- Don't use already made Helm chart to achive this challenge
- Manualy configure each instance of the mongodb database to be part of a Replica Set (meaning that a given master database is replicated to all the slaves in the cluster)
- Replication Introduction
- Deploy a Replica Set
- Kubernetes StatefulSet explained
- Statefulsets | Deploying MongoDB clusters to Kubernetes
- Create a Helm Chart that deploy a master-slave architecture with mongodb
- Explain what is the advantage of updating your infrastructure with a redis cache ?
- Define your new infrastructure
- Use Hooks to configure your ConfigMaps before and after the deployment of your helm chart
- (Optional) Use hooks to save your database before updating helm chart