3.0.2 Release
Implemented enhancements:
- I would like to add Senlin module to the project. #684
- Is there any plan for Compute API v2.1 support? #374
- Adding Networking Lbaas V2 support #761 (emjburns)
- Add Senlin module #680 (L-I-O-N)
- Dividing Builder-API by Identity version #675 (auhlig)
Fixed bugs:
- Identity v2 change password will result in user being disabled #744
- 3.0.0 version DefaultAPIProvider bug #679
- 3.0.0 version get tenants return null. #668
- 3.0.0 version cannot create V2 tenant #666
- 3.0.0 NullPointerException on TokenService.check() with unscoped authentication #623
- ERROR: Root name 'quotas' does not match expected ('quota') #602
- Cannot create Flavors #573
- Flavor issue #686 (vinodborole)
- Add binding for BlockQuotaSetService #685 (vinodborole)
- Fix #635: Do not propagate null response header from http-connector #674 (olivergondza)
- Metering Service Issue #672 #631 (cbergamasco)
Closed issues:
- Identity v3 with scopeToProject(Identifier.byName(projectName)) #776
- withdeps cause conflict between jars #770
- which openstack version is openstack4j 2.0.9 used #758
- Exception in thread "main" AuthenticationException{message=Unauthorized, status=401} #741
- Support extra field in project API. #734
- Support role assingment list API #733
- Reusing Openstack4J Infrastructure #723
- Error with osclient.compute().images.list() with identity endpoint v3 BUT is working fine with v2 #722
- os.share().schedulerStats().pools() always returns empty list #719
- openstack4j-3.0.0.jar get os error #717
- openstack host information??? #716
- server create bug #711
- Integration Test #709
- failing build #707
- PUT operation disrupt objects in case re-authentication is done #706
- Warning when creating a bucket #703
- Fully support v2 of Telemetry API #701
- Support id in CeilometerSample #700
- openstack4j.com no longer points to OpenStack4j web page #699
- 3.0.1-SNAPSHOT DefaultAPIProvider bug #698
- getEndpoints v3 #695
- get projects list not working with openstack4j-3.0.0 #694
- System Test/Unit Test #692
- Connection timeout with openstack4j Identity Query #691
- PATH_TENANTS in ClientConstants is wrong #687
- Creating flavor omits json with extra null fields #682
- 3.0.0 version tenants uri bug #677
- JKD1.7 #673
- Networks Metering Service #672
- Does openstack4j-jersey2-jdk16 version 3.0.0 exist? #667
- Search API Access? #665
- scopeToProject requests are incorrect (3.0.0-SNAPSHOT) [V3 identity API] #664
- cannot create server #660
- change user password #658
- Grant global role to user and Grant roles to user on tenant #657
- The server's host is null which is return by the api"ServerServiceImpl.get(id)" #656
- Dose support retrieve the admin password (Windows) #654
- cannot get server's image info when server's status is error #652
- create tenant return null, why? #648
- Does Identity API support Keystone V3? #645
- NPE if there is no Content-Length in headers for HEAD responce #643
- Why getEndpoints function in ServiceWrapper class just return an empty list? #641
- Keystone V3 API endpoints not supported #634
- how to get securitygroups of a server? #633
- UpdateTemproraryKey for specific container #628
- DLPayloadEntity#writeToFile(...) doesn't close entity input stream #622
- Add update readonly flag support #618
- Class Confict in android studio dependency gradle #617
- Tenants and roles empty #616
- httpclient connector doesn't support PATCH calls #600
- Create a new Server Snapshot #586
- any plan to support lbaas v2.0? #585
- Problem with getting specific tenant by ID #578
- "Mapping image to local is not supported" error is returned by OpenStack when boot index is specified #567
- Jersey warnings on container creation #557
- Create new server with specified volume type in block device mapping #552
- SwiftClient for Ceph #542
- RestEasy Connector (2.3.7-Final) ClientResponseFailure #530
- Listing regions for Service endpoints throws 404 error #526
- Upgrades of 3rd party dependencies #523
- domain user list #520
- os-quota-sets URI has the project id twice. (v3_collaboration) #519
- Cannot add ephemeral disk with os.compute().flavors().create(); #514
- Error calling nova, glance with v3 authentication #512
- AuthenticationException{message=Unauthorized, status=401} #510
- How to update a flavor? #509
- os.identity().users().list() return a empty list #484
- .containers ().List () os.objectStorage () API returns the number of objects in the container, the size of the object, is two times the actual value #482
- JSON is deserialized haphazardly #478
- Keystone V3 error when getting users or project list with a admin role user, Openstack4j version 2.0.5 #477
- Instance password on Windows from .pem #465
- Setting resource limits for a flavor #456
- Support for Group Based policy from Openstack KILO in Openstack4j Libraries #453
- how can I use volume snapshot create a volume? #452
- Quotaset folating ip number is not correct #449
- How to add Script to an instance when creating it? #442
- how to extends the size of a specified volume to a new size #435
- Add floating IP to the server #421
- How to create a tenant in a domain? #408
- Connection leak from re-authentication in HttpExecutorServiceImpl.invokeReuqest() #400
- Reference to Issue: Connect openstack server remotely using ssh tunnel time out due to endpoint changes #192 #384
- Retrieving Heat Stack outputs #378
- how to use compute extensions? #371
- Can only hold one OSClient in memory at a time #339
- os.heat().resources().show() return an object with null attributes #304
- how can I get all tenants volumes by admin role? #303
- Exception not caught while creating floating-ip. #302
- Toggle Enabled State :Modify the user whether to enable the results is to let user disable #197
- got error 409 #194
- Unable to invoke request - connection still allocated. #133