- 👋 Hi, I’m @CorporateStereotype
- 👀 I’m developing quantum circuits.
- 📫 How to reach me refer to License.txt
All of the repositories are explorations of quantum curcuit models.
The mathematical framework is based on a unique eqation that I call the Formula for Zero. The author's name (Flint Adkins). The title of the work (Formula For Zero: Unified Theoretical Framework - Grand Unified Theory of Nothing).
A citation link to the https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/3TN7F or the source where more work is hosted.
The formula is integrated with an custom dynamic kernel module that extends AI ML LLM models. I call it the ZeroSumGame (ZSG) Framework. ZSG is constructed using custom Prompt Engireed directives that deployable the ZSG to a live AI ML model. For instance, I use it with Grok 3 and ChatGPT LLM models (all the time).
ZSG implements what I call as the "Eposodic Iterative Workflow" (EIW). It's a prompt engineering guidance system.