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Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴

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Awesome React Native is an awesome style list that curates the best React Native libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!

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Teller is an OSS and FREE productivity secret manager for developers made by   2590⭐    173🍴 SpectralOps), supporting cloud-native apps and multiple cloud providers. Mix and match all vaults and other key stores and safely use secrets as you code, test, and build applications. It's quick, easy, and safe.

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Many thanks to everyone on the contributor list\:)


Conferences dedicated to React Native specifically. A listing of React general conferences can be found on the 🌎 ReactJS site.

Chain React - Portland, OR USA

Workshops - July 11th, 2018\ Conference - July 12-13th, 2018

React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland

Workshops - September 3-4th, 2018\ Conference - September 5-6th, 2018

React Alicante - Alicante, Spain

Workshops - September 13th, 2018\ Conference - September 14-15th, 2018

ReactNext - Tel Aviv, Israel

Conference - November 4th, 2018

App.js Conf - Krakow, Poland

Conference - April 4th, 2019 Workshops - April 5th, 2019

Chain React - Portland, OR USA

Workshops - July 10th, 2019 Conference - July 11th-12th, 2019

React Native EU - Wroclaw, Poland

Workshops - September 4th, 2019 Conference - September 5th-6th, 2019

React Berlin - Berlin, Germany

Workshops - December 4th-5th, 2019 Conference - December 6th, 2019

ReactEurope - Paris, France

Conference - May 14th-15, 2020 Workshops - May 12th-13th, 2020


Content published on the Web.




Continuous Integration



Components and native modules.



Navigation/Routing Articles

Navigation Demos

Deep Linking

Text & Rich Content


Utils & Infra




Build & Development


  •  40230⭐   2481🍴 styled-components ★20064) - Style React and React Native with utilising tagged template literals.
  •  17308⭐   1097🍴 emotion ★5627) - Style as a function of state.
  •   2917⭐    138🍴 react-native-extended-stylesheet ★1689) - Extend React Native stylesheet with variables, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other stuff.
  •      ?⭐      ?🍴 react-native-css ★755) - Style React-Native components with css and built in support for SASS.
  •    686⭐     50🍴 react-native-style-tachyons ★525) - functional, maintainable design for everyone based on tachyons.css.
  •    569⭐     51🍴 glamorous-native ★454) - A React Native version of glamorous - a component styling library.
  •    349⭐     22🍴 react-native-responsive ★295) - The power of Media Queries now in your React Native project (ios and android) ! Responsive Design can now be easily managed !
  •    115⭐      4🍴 cairn ★110) - Simple, string-based style selector engine with support for basic inheritance.
  •    125⭐     12🍴 react-native-theme ★104) - Theme manager for react native project!
  •    324⭐     20🍴 react-native-css-modules ★44) - Style React-Native components using CSS, Sass, Less or Stylus.
  •     19⭐      0🍴 rn-less ★15) - Style react-native with less (with VS Code extension support)
  •     19⭐      1🍴 react-native-prism ★10) - Minimal, idiomatic style management for React Native
  •     10⭐      2🍴 react-native-paint ★5) - A themeable abstraction over React Native StyleSheet. Read about it 🌎 here.
  •     12⭐      1🍴 binstorm ★5) - BinStorm is a React Native styling utility for rapidly building custom user interfaces. Read about it 🌎 here.
  •     17⭐      1🍴 styled-react-native) - Advanced react native styling with simple method (style overwrites, component composition, enhanced style property). Full intro in 🌎 this Medium article.
  •    562⭐     34🍴 react-native-tailwindcss) - A react native styling system based on TailwindCSS.










Other Platforms


Useful React Native tooling.

  •   3500⭐    107🍴 upgrade-helper ★398) - ⚛️ A web interface to support React Native developers in upgrading their apps. 🌎 Link to tool
  •  10307⭐    812🍴 react-native-debugger ★4017) - The standalone app for React Native Debugger, with React DevTools / Redux DevTools
  •   3641⭐    194🍴 haul ★2711) - command line tool for developing React Native apps
  •   2504⭐     91🍴 rnpm ★2408) - react native package manager
  •   1483⭐     64🍴 generact ★1125) - CLI that generates components based on existing ones no matter how you structure your app
  •   2572⭐    253🍴 react-native-rename ★901) - Rename react-native app with just one command
  •   1565⭐    127🍴 react-native-exception-handler ★504) – Avoid silent crash and errors on the production build of your app
  •    723⭐    113🍴 Electrode Native ★439) - A platform to ease the integration of React Native components in existing mobile applications.
  •    400⭐     13🍴 Ruby React Native (via Opal) ★391) - Use Ruby for building React Native apps
  •    522⭐     29🍴 rn-snoopy ★329) - Profiling, monitoring and alerting over the React Native bridge. 🌎 More here.
  •    256⭐     48🍴 react-native-snippets ★249) - A collection of Sublime Text Snippets for react-native
  •   1432⭐     42🍴 react-native-bundle-visualizer ★141) - See what's inside your RN bundle; useful for optimizing the bundle size
  •    118⭐      9🍴 Makeicon ★70) - Generates mobile app icons in all resolutions for both iOS and Android
  •     87⭐      4🍴 AsyncStorage Dev Menu Item ★67) - Adds an option to your dev menu to log the content of your AsyncStorage.
  •   1240⭐     74🍴 rn-diff-purge ★64) - The easiest way to upgrade React Native versions. You can find diffs for every React Native version, that are created by diffing the previous version with a newly created app in the new version.
  •     70⭐      2🍴 React Native Actions ★55) - Run React Native actions from within VSCode.
  •     30⭐      2🍴 rsx ★29) - An alternative to the react-native CLI tool
  •     14⭐      1🍴 ADB Auto Restarter ★8) - Restart ADB service Automatically in case of crashing while debugging app with device .
  •     24⭐      5🍴 rn-nodeify ★6) - hack to allow react-native projects to use node core modules
  •     34⭐      3🍴 react-native-ruler ★3) - A devtool for measuring pixel dimensions on your React Native screens
  • 🌎 BuilderX - A design tool which writes React Native code for you , Desktop Mac app to replace your traditional UX design tools.
  • CodePush - Push code updates to your apps, instantly
  • 🌎 Storybook - UI development environment for your React components
  • 🌎 BugSnag - A tool that logs native & JS errors. Has a free tier. Includes useful data about the user, environment, session, release, etc.
  • 🌎 React Native Playground - Run React Native apps in your browser via real time simulator
  • 🌎 exponent - Use React Native without XCode (a previewer app + local server infrastructure)
  • 🌎 Deco IDE - React Native IDE with components manager
  •     11⭐      2🍴 react-hook-hooker) - A nifty little HOC to add hooks to your React components.
  • 🌎 React Native Elements Playground 🚀 - Tinker with react-native-elements components in the web.
  •     56⭐     11🍴 SimpleLocalize CLI) - An open source Localization CLI tool for finding i18n keys in project files.


Get a head start on development with an existing seed.


Libraries / SDK type additions for React Native development.

  •  24781⭐   4618🍴 React Native Elements ★13599) - a collection of React Native UI Elements and components.
  •   4883⭐    458🍴 Shoutem UI ★3802) - a complete UI toolkit for React Native from Shoutem.
  •    257⭐     14🍴 Panza ★243) - a collection of stateless, functional, cross-platform ui components for react-native.
  •    106⭐     14🍴 BlankApp UI ★78) - Highly customizable and theming components for React Native.
  •    239⭐     26🍴 react-native-easy-app ★220) - React Native one-stop solution.
  •     64⭐      6🍴 React Native Common ★49) - UI & API Components Library for React Native.
  •     10⭐      3🍴 react-native-colibri ★5) - React Native Generic UI Components.
  • 🌎 Statek ★3 - Simple & Reactive state management library for React & React Native

Open Source Apps

Open source React Native apps and other examples.


  •  20096⭐   2372🍴 NativeBase ★10520) - builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development
  •   2940⭐    483🍴 Teaset ★1575) - A UI library for react native, provides 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control.
  •    152⭐      9🍴 Awesome React Native Meteor ★152) - An awesome list of resources for using Meteor and React Native together
  •    272⭐     29🍴 first-born ★106) - A UI framework with pre-built components that render separately according to the underlying mobile platform.
  •    270⭐     27🍴 OsmiCSX ★48) - An utility React Native style framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
  •     26⭐      2🍴 React Native Diagnose ★13) - A framework to test a React Native app during runtime and production


Walkthroughs and tutorials that help you learn React Native.


Books - free and commercial (but only good ones).

Books - for sale.


Assortment of conference and training videos.


Training & tutorials





 34280⭐   3977🍴 jondot/awesome-react-native)


Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material! With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴



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