A collaborative platform for students to upload and download academic notes. This project aims to simplify access to educational resources by allowing students to share their notes with each other.
Mowglipedia is a Django-based web application designed for students to share their academic notes. It provides a centralized platform where students can easily upload, download, and search for study materials. The system also includes an admin approval process to ensure the quality and relevance of uploaded notes.
- User authentication (Sign up, Login, Logout)
- Notes upload functionality
- Admin approval for uploaded notes
- Downloadable notes after admin approval
- Search and filter by subject or category
- User profile to manage uploaded notes
- Django - Web framework
- Python - Backend logic
- PostgreSQL / SQLite - Database for storing users and notes data
- HTML / CSS / JavaScript - Frontend technologies
- Bootstrap - Responsive UI framework
Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project running on your local machine.
You need to have Python and Django installed on your system. Make sure you have pip
and virtualenv
# Install virtualenv if you don't have it
pip install virtualenv
Clone the repository:
Copy code
git clone https://github.com/Courage003/Notes-Making-Application.git
cd Notes-Making-Application
Create and activate a virtual environment:
Copy code
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate # For MacOS/Linux
# or
venv\Scripts\activate # For Windows
Install dependencies:
Copy code
pip install -r requirements.txt
Environment Variables
Create a .env file in the project root and add the following environment variables:
Copy code
DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost/dbname # Use SQLite URL for development
[email protected]
Run Migrations
Apply database migrations to set up the database structure:
Copy code
python manage.py migrate
Running the Application
Start the Django development server:
Copy code
python manage.py runserver
The application will be accessible at
Uploading Notes
Register an account and log in.
Navigate to the "Upload Notes" section from the dashboard.
Fill out the form with the necessary details (subject, description, file).
After admin approval, your notes will be available for other users to download.
Downloading Notes
Browse or search for notes by subject or category.
Download available notes once they have been approved by the admin.
Admin Panel
Admins can review, approve, or reject uploaded notes. To access the admin panel, create a superuser:
Copy code
python manage.py createsuperuser
Visit to log in and manage notes.
We welcome contributions! To contribute:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/NewFeature).
Make your changes and commit (git commit -m 'Add some NewFeature').
Push to your branch (git push origin feature/NewFeature).
Open a pull request.
Ensure your code follows Django best practices.
Write clear commit messages.
Test your changes before submitting a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Dhruv Rohatgi – [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/Courage003/Notes-Making-Application