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Docker Compose for Multiple Containers

The project serves the purpose to run two containers, one for rest-based application and other for localstack.

Project Description

The project serves the purpose to view the guest list and add/update/remove a guest. This project contains a Dockerized REST API built with Flask. The API includes endpoints for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations on a guest list. The project also includes automated tests for each endpoint.

REST API for Guest List

The REST API is built using Flask, and it includes the following endpoints that perform specific functions on the guest list:

  • GET /api/items: Retrieves all guests.
  • GET /api/item/<item_id>: Retrieves a specific guest by ID.
  • POST /api/item: Creates a new guest if it doesn't already exists.
  • PUT /api/item/<item_id>: Updates an existing guest by ID if it already exists.
  • DELETE /api/item/<item_id>: Deletes an existing guest by ID.

Running the API

CURL commands for executing each endpoint

GET all guests
curl -X GET

GET specific guest

curl -X GET

POST add new guest

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 5, "name": "Test User 5"}'

PUT update specific guest

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "Updated Test User 5"}'

DELETE remove specific guest

curl -X DELETE

To run the application, execute the docker build and run commands or use the provided `` script:

Using Docker Commands

Docker Build

docker-compose build

Docker Run

docker-compose up 

Using Script


Testing REST API for Guest List

The project includes automated tests for each REST API endpoint. These tests are implemented using pytest.
The tests cover the following scenarios:
GET /api/items: Verifies status code 200 for retrieving all guests.
GET /api/item/<item_id>: Verifies status code 200 for retrieving a specific guest by ID and 404 for non-existent guests.
POST /api/item: Verifies status code 201 for creating a new guest and 400 for already existing guests.
PUT /api/item/<item_id>: Verifies status code 200 for updating an existing guest and 404 for non-existent guests.
DELETE /api/item/<item_id>: Verifies status code 204 for deleting a guest and 404 for non-existent guests.

Running the Tests

To run the tests for each endpoint, execute the docker build and run commands or use the provided script:

Using Docker Commands

Docker Build

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build test

Docker Run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up test

Using Script



DynamoDB Table Structure

The DynamoDB table, GuestTable, has the following schema:

id (Number): The unique identifier for each guest (Partition Key).
name (String): The name of the guest.

S3 Bucket Structure

The S3 bucket, guest-bucket, stores objects with the following structure:

The key is the id of the guest.
The value is the name of the guest.


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