const http = require('http')
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.end('Hello From Node.js')
server.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server running on port 3000')
>> node index.js // run terminal
Nodemon is a monitoring script that will automatically restart Node.js when it detects any changes to the files in your project.
D:/...gymcoding_nodejs\finly> npm run dev
> [email protected] dev
> nodemon index.js
[nodemon] 3.1.7
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json
[nodemon] starting `node index.js`
Server running on port 3000
To simplify the process of building a web application, you can use a framework called Express
Express enables you to specify and separate the URL routes available in your application
The asterisk * symbol is known as the wild card route, it will match any URL route You need to define this route at the bottom of your routes. If the top, you'll get the 404 response when you visit a valid route
app.listen(PORT, () => {...} // enable the server to listen for requests
is used for logging your Node.js application
Templating engines allow you to dynamically render your HTML pages.
EJS enables you to embed Javascript by using the <% %> tag.
The About page
Response created using EJS
Setting content to views
folder in tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} /
module.exports = {
content: ['./views/**/.ejs'],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [require('daisyui')],
You can resuse EJS Template with partials by include() function
npm install --save-dev tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer postcss-cli
npx tailwindcss init-p Created Tailwind CSS config file: tailwind.config.js Created PostCSS config file: postcss.config.js // tool is used to run CSS compilation
"devcss": "postcss public/styles/tailwind.css -o public/styles/style.css -w"
The -o
option is used to tell PostCSS where to put the produced CSS file -> public/styles/style.css
The -w
option passed to PostCSS will make it watch our template files for any changes, and then run the process again.
npm install mongodb mongoose npm install dotenv
MongoDB will only create a database when you insert data into a collection.
So, first enter urls http://localhost:3000/users/create
to create user -> Mongo cluster will display finly
database and user
In Express, user authentication can be done by creating a session as an identifier that keeps track of the user.
When the user signs up or logs into our application, a session is created by Express and sent to the browser as a cookie.
The cookie needs to be included in all subsequent requests sent by the browser -> Express knows that the user is allowed to access the resource it wants to access.
When user logs out, the session and cookie are removed from both the server and the client.
npm install express-session
$ openssl rand -base64 32 -> generate AUTH_SECRET
When handling the POST rquest, Express needs to use the urlencoded() middleware to process form data.
app.use(express.urlencoded({extend: false}))
The extended options is used to let Express know whether we want to process ad-vanced input formats (like nested objects or arrays)
is an Express middleware that can be used to validate the req.body object values.
npm install express-validator
provides a special area in the session object called flash, which is used for storing messages.
requires an existing session, make sure that you call app.use(flash())
after app.use(session())
in your file.
View and Controller communicate via routes
In Express, middleware are funtions that have access to the requeust, response and next object.
When a request arrives, Express will try to find the middleware that matches the route ordered from top to bottom
Click New Customer
from views (dashboard/customers/create) -> Customer Form -> Validator errors -> if not, submit form with formAction=create
(pass by customer.route.js) -> method post
and router will call createCustomer()
from controllers
- Check carefully about router page link (Ex: whether add or remove
, ....)
Attached data into request for the next middleware
// The customer data is attached to the req.customers
. So the next middleware can access the data there. In the invoice.controller.js, we write same as below
const getCustomers = async (req, res, next) => {
const customerQuery = { owner: req.session.userId }
const customers = await Customer.find(customerQuery)
req.customers = customers
// In invoice.route.js, we can get customers router.get('/create', getCustomers, (req, res) => { const { customers } = req => show properties in view list.slice(0, 5) => get first five item in array list list.unshift({a, b}) => push new object into array list list.reduce(a, b) => calculate