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Metamask Snap for SAG and LSAG signatures


This simple snap uses our SAG and LSAG implementation to sign a message with a keypair generated by Metamask. The message is signed in the snap and then can be verified in the browser, in a backend or onChain.

More about ring signatures here.


  • Create an ethereum account
  • Import an ethereum account using a mnemonic
  • export the snap addresses
  • sign a message using LSAG with the snap

Installation & usage

Here are some function you can use to install and interact with the snap:

Note: The snap is not yet published on the snap store, so you need to install in the development application: metamask Flask Make sure you only have 1 version of metamask installed, otherwise they will compete and you will not be able to use the snap.

We also created a toolkit to ease your interaction with the snap. You can check it out here. it can be installed from npmjs: npm i @cypher-laboratory/alicesring-snap-sdk or yarn add @cypher-laboratory/alicesring-snap-sdk

import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider';

const PACKAGE_NAME = '@cypher-laboratory/alicesring-snap';

declare global {
  interface Window {
    ethereum?: any; // Use `any` if you don't have a specific type to use

export async function installSnap(): Promise<boolean> {
  // This resolves to the value of window.ethereum or null
  const provider: any = await detectEthereumProvider();

  // web3_clientVersion returns the installed MetaMask version as a string
  const isFlask = (
    await provider?.request({ method: 'web3_clientVersion' })
  )?.includes('flask'); // todo: once snap allowed by metamask, remove this check

  if (provider && isFlask) {

    try {
      // install snap
      await window.ethereum.request({
        "method": "wallet_requestSnaps",
        "params": {
          [`npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`]: {},
      console.log('MetaMask Flask & airdrop claimer SNAP successfully detected!');
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(`Error while installing ${PACKAGE_NAME}`);

    // check if snap is installed
    if (!detectPrivateClaimSnap()) {
      console.error('Snap not installed. Please try again.');
      return false;
    return true;
  } else {
    console.error('Please install MetaMask flask first');
    return false;

export async function detectPrivateClaimSnap(): Promise<boolean> {
  const provider: any = await detectEthereumProvider();
  const snaps = await provider?.request({
    method: 'wallet_getSnaps'

  const isMySnapInstalled = Object.keys(snaps).includes(`npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`);

  if (isMySnapInstalled) {
    // console.log('privateClaim Snap is installed');
    return true;
  } else {
    // console.log('privateClaim Snap is not installed');
    return false


// generate new account: "newAccount"
export async function generateAccount() {
  try {
    await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "newAccount",
    // alert('Account generated successfully!');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while generating account');
    return false;
  return true;

// import account: "importAccount"
export async function importAccount(): Promise<boolean> {
  try {
    await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "importAccount",
          // params,
    // console.log('account:', account);
    // alert('Account imported successfully!');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while importing account');
    return false;
  return true;

// get addresses of all accounts: "getAddresses"
export async function getAddresses(): Promise<string[]> {
  try {
    const addresses = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "getAddresses",
          // params,
    console.log('addresses:', JSON.parse(addresses).addresses);
    return JSON.parse(addresses).addresses;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while getting addresses');
    return [];

// lsag sign message: "LSAG_signature"
export async function LSAG_signature(ring: string[], message: string, addressToUse: string, linkabilityFlag: string): Promise<string> {
  try {
    const signature = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "LSAG_Signature",
          params: {
    console.log('signature:', signature);
    // alert('Message signed successfully!');
    return signature;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while signing message');
    return '';

// lsag sign message: "LSAG_signature"
export async function PAC_LSAG_Signature(ring: string[], claim_contract_address: string, addressToUse: string, airdropTier: string, chainId: string): Promise<string> {
  try {
    const signature = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "PrivateAirdropClaim_LSAG_Signature",
          params: {
    console.log('signature:', signature);
    // alert('Message signed successfully!');
    return signature;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while signing message');
    return '';

export async function exportKeyImages(addresses: string[], linkabilityFlag: string): Promise<{ address: string, keyImage: string, linkabilityFlag: string }[] | null> {
  try {
    const keyImages = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "ExportKeyImages",
          params: {
            linkabilityFactor: linkabilityFlag,
    // console.log('keyImage:', JSON.parse(addresses).addresses);
    return keyImages;

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while getting addresses');
    return null;

// sag sign message: "SAG_signature"
export async function SAG_signature(ring: string[], message: string, addressToUse: string): Promise<string> {
  try {
    const signature = await window.ethereum.request({
      method: 'wallet_invokeSnap',
      params: {
        snapId: `npm:${PACKAGE_NAME}`,
        request: {
          method: "SAG_Signature",
          params: {
    console.log('signature:', signature);
    // alert('Message signed successfully!');
    return signature;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error while signing message');
    return '';


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