The tool is designed to assess the strength of password strings by providing instantaneous visual feedback to the user. The user can improve the strength of their passwords, with a hard focus on breaking the typical bad habits of faulty password formulation.
The web page includes the following features:
- A password input field
- A password confirmation field
- A progress bar for measuring password strength
- A checklist of password requirements
- A "Check Score" button that opens a modal window with the password score and feedback
The user must input a password that meets certain criteria to activate the "Check Score" button. The passwords are processed locally, which means that nothing that the user types into the password field will ever be sent online or recorded anywhere.
The web page includes the following JavaScript functions:
- Disabling the copy-paste feature
- Matching password inputs
- Measuring password strength
To use the password strength checker, simply open the index.html file in a web browser. Input a password that meets the password requirements, and the "Check Score" button will be activated. Clicking the button opens a modal window with the password score and feedback.
The passwords are processed locally and are not sent online or recorded anywhere.