This project shows the work with CRUD basic process. It doesn't have a beauty appearance because I just want to work with the information exchange in the db.json file.
This project is not responsive, in mobile phones this will display in an incomplete way.For responsive development you can see other of my projects like Ecommerce project, that will show a full range of responsive design.
DESCRIBING THE MAIN PAGE In the main screen we have two spaces, one shows the input forms and the other shows the information obtained from the db.json file.
RUNNING THE PAGE You must have installed the nodejs application with the json server package installed.
when you have all the files in your working directory, make sure you have your terminal in that directory.
From your terminal command prompt you must run the next line
npx json-server --watch db.json
and then the second space will show one line with the information saved in the db.json file.
Now you can write some words in the three form fields and click the 'registrar' Button. Automaticaly, this information will appear in the second field as a new line.
The second field have two buttons per line: 'modificar' and 'eliminar'. If you click the 'modificar' button, a new field is going to show with the line information inside the forms, you can modify it and click the 'Actualizar' button for update that information.
HOPE TO KNOW FROM YOU If you have any recommendation I'll be glad to hear from you.