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CitizenWatt for PINE64+

PINE64+ board

Adaptations for PINE64 board used for the DAISEE prototype. The code is a based on the one of CitizenWatt (GPL3).


  • PINE64+ Board
  • nRF24L01+ transceiver, to communicate with CitizenWatt Sensor
  • Arduino Uno, to link the PINE64+ board and the RF24L01+ (the transceiver needs the use of SPI, but there is no software support for SPI on the PINE64+ GPIO for the moment)


  • Python 3.4, and the following libraries :
    ** sqlalchemy
    ** cherrypy
    ** numpy
    ** pycrypto
    ** psycopg2 for communication with the PostgreSQL database

  • NFR24 library (for Arduino)


The documentation is on an Hackpad in french/english for the moment :

API documentation

This is a list of all the endpoints available in the API. You should authenticate yourself to use the API. For this purpose, use a POST request with login and password fields.

All the results are in a JSON dict, under the key data, for security purpose.

  • /api/sensors

    • Returns all the available sensors with their associated measure types. If no sensors are found, returns null.
  • /api/sensors/<id:int>

    • Returns all the infos for the specified sensor. If no matching sensor is found, returns null.
  • /api/types

    • Returns all the available measure types. If no types are found, returns null.
  • /api/time

    • Returns the current timestamp of the server.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/get/watts/by_id/<nb:int>

    • Returns measure with id <id1> associated to sensor <sensor>, in watts.
    • If <id1> < 0, counts from the last measure, as in Python lists.
    • If no matching data is found, returns null.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/get/<watt_euros:watts|kwatthours|euros>/by_id/<nb1:int>/<nb2:int>

    • Returns measures between ids <id1> and <id2> from sensor <sensor> in watts or euros.
    • If <id1> and <id2> are negative, counts from the end of the measures.
    • Depending on <watt_euros>:
      • If it is watts, returns the list of measures.
      • If it is kwatthours, returns the total energy for all the measures (dict).
      • If it is euros, returns the cost of all the measures (dict).
    • Returns measure in ASC order of timestamp.
    • Returns null if no measures were found.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/get/<[watt_euros:watts|kwatthours|euros>/by_id/<id1:int>/<id2:int>/<step:int>

    • Returns all the measures of sensor sensor between ids <id1> and <id2>, grouped by <step>, as a list of the number of steps element.<step> should be positive.
    • Each item is null if no matching measures are found.
    • Depending on <watt_euros>:
      • If it is watts, returns the mean power for each group.
      • If it is kwatthours, returns the total energy for each group.
      • If it is euros, returns the cost of each group.
    • Returns measure in ASC order of timestamp.
    • Returns null if no measures were found.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/get/<watt_euros:watts|kwatthours|euros>/by_time/<time1:float>/<time2:float>

    • Returns measures between timestamps <time1> and <time2> from sensor <sensor> in watts or euros.
    • Depending on <watt_euros>:
      • If it is watts, returns the list of measures.
      • If it is kwatthours, returns the total energy for all the measures (dict).
      • If it is euros, returns the cost of all the measures (dict).
    • Returns measure in ASC order of timestamp.
    • Returns null if no matching measures are found.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/get/<watt_euros:watts|kwatthours|euros>/by_time/<time1:float>/<time2:float>/<step:float>

    • Returns all the measures of sensor sensor between timestamps time1 and time2, grouped by step, as a list of the number of steps element.
    • Each item is null if no matching measures are found.
    • Depending on <watt_euros>:
      • If it is watts, returns the mean power for each group.
      • If it is kwatthours, returns the total energy for each group.
      • If it is euros, returns the cost of each group.
    • Returns measure in ASC order of timestamp.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/delete/by_id/<id1:int>

    • Deletes measure with id <id1> associated to sensor <sensor>.
    • If <id1> < 0, counts from the last measure, as in Python lists.
    • If no matching data is found, returns null. Else, returns the number of deleted measures (1).
  • /api/<sensor:int>/delete/by_id/<id1:int>/<id2:int>

    • Deletes measures between ids <id1> and <id2> from sensor <sensor>.
    • Returns null if no matching measures are found. Else, returns the number of deleted measures.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/delete/by_time/<time1:float>

    • Deletes measure at timestamp <time1> for sensor <sensor>.
    • Returns null if no measure is found. Else, returns the number of deleted measures (1).
  • /api/<sensor:int>/delete/by_time/<time1:float>/<time2:float>

    • Deletes measures between timestamps and from sensor .
    • Returns null if no matching measures are found. Else, returns the number of deleted measures.
  • /api/<sensor:int>/insert/<value:float>/<timestamp:int>/<night_rate:int>

    • Insert a measure with:
      • Timestamp <timestamp>
      • Value <value>
      • Tariff "day" if <night_rate> == 0, "night" otherwise.
    • Returns True if successful, False otherwise.
  • /api/energy_providers

    • Returns all the available energy providers or null if none found.
  • /api/energy_providers/<id:current|int>

    • Returns the current energy provider (if id == "current"), or the energy provider with the specified id.
  • /api/<energy_provider:current|int>/watt_to_euros/<tariff:night|day>/<consumption:float>

    • Returns the cost in euros associated with a certain consumption, in kWh.
    • One should specify the tariff (night or day, day if no such distinction is to be done) and the id of the energy_provider.
    • Returns null if no valid result to return.