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Pluto-Net Firware

This repository is originated from plutosdr-fw, version 0.38.

The original README from ADI is here.

This repository contains firmware of Pluto-Net hardware, the software and hardware contains ABSOLUTLY NO warrenty. There is no guarantee that the hardware and firmware would perform as normal.

Legal info contained in build artifacts.


Ubuntu 20.04

Xilinx Vivado 2022.2

Xilinx Vitis 2022.2

git build-essential fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache dfu-util u-boot-tools

device-tree-compiler libssl1.0-dev mtools bc python cpio zip unzip rsync file

wget cpio file device-tree-compiler flex bison libgmp-dev libmpc-dev build-essential


The Ubuntu 20.04 official repository has deprecated libssl-dev, use dpkg install deb package dependency/libssl1.0.2_1.0.2u-1~deb9u7_amd64.deb to meet the requirements by this project.

Only tested under ubuntu 20.04 and Vivado 2022.2, gcc 9.4.0.

Build Instructions

Clone this repository with git clone

Init the submodule of git repo, git submodule update --init --recursive.

Edit the Makefile and setupenv to specify your custom Xilinx Design Tool Kit path.

Generate a serial by script random or your_costom_serial. (The original design uses micron's api flash, the old ways to read unique id is not valid on Winbond/GigaDevice products.)

Do make clean && make $$ bash, check the build/

If you wanted to flash the firmware, run bash If your hardware is blank, or bootloader is corrupted, use Vivado to program the boot.bin with fsbl.elf from the

You can customize the device's network MAC address by edit the dts in linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/zynq-pluto-sdr-revb.dts.


Edited the original xc7z0101clg225 to xc7z0101clg400, which provides more MIOs to achieve SD card and ethernet capabilities.

Edited linux kernel dts to make the Broadcom BCM54612E PHY work.

Edited the some scripts to make the compile and collect work easier.

Edited the uboot to let the ethernet work and dual core cpu support.

Edited buildroot to add some more utilities to better evaluate the performance of the board.

Edited buildroot to support hardware serial num to support single host multiple devices.

Edited the firmware version cuz MATLAB extension refuses to work under dirty builds.

Build artifacts

File Comment
pluto.frm Main PlutoSDR firmware file used with the USB Mass Storage Device
pluto.dfu Main PlutoSDR firmware file used in DFU mode
boot.frm First and Second Stage Bootloader (u-boot + fsbl + uEnv) used with the USB Mass Storage Device
boot.dfu First and Second Stage Bootloader (u-boot + fsbl) used in DFU mode
uboot-env.dfu u-boot default environment used in DFU mode ZIP archive containg all of the files above ZIP archive containg u-boot and Vivao TCL used for JATG bootstrapping ZIOP archive containg all arrtifacts to flash a Pluto-Net from scrach.