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Legacy Release Notes

evan magoni edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 1 revision


Version 3.0.0 (released Fall 2014) contains many new features and improvements:

  • Lots of speed optimizations – Documents load and scroll faster.
  • Horizontal orientation – Present the pages in your document side-by-side, or switch to the default vertical page layout.
  • Events system – Allows you to pass streaming data from the document viewer into your own website and plugins.
  • Improved mobile support – Tap and pinch to navigate through documents.
  • Drastically improved and updated documentation.
  • Tons of bug fixes (See our commits for more details).

The new version includes many more minor features and bugfixes. In addition, the documentation has been updated and refactored into a concise, useful reference for anyone installing, using, or developing Diva.js.

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Commit tag :: Download link (ZIP) :: Compare to 2.2.0


Commit tag :: Download link (ZIP) :: Compare to 2.1.0


Commit tag :: Download link (ZIP) :: Compare to 2.0.1


Minor bugfixes

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Version 2.0 (released Fall 2012) contains many new features and improvements:

  • Support for JPEG2000 images.
  • New plug-in architecture for extending the functionality of Diva without 'hacking' the core.
  • In-browser image manipulation for adjusting brightness, contrast, and page rotation.
  • Speed improvements thanks to fewer calls to the server.
  • A cleaner default interface.
  • Built using LESS for easier style development.
  • Lots and lots of bug-fixes.

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Released August 22, 2011. Minor release with some more bug fixes.

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All the changed files should be replaced. Note that the div element diva-zoom-slider was renamed to diva-slider (as it is now being used to control both zoom level in document view and the number of pages per row in grid view). The pagesPerGridRow setting was renamed to pagesPerRow.

Changed files

New features

  • The zoom slider now has a different purpose within grid view (controls the pages per row instead - partial fix for issue issue #45)
  • Label for the slider (issue #47)

Bug fixes

  • Page number hash param no longer ignored in grid view (issue #49)
  • Jump to page in URL thing fixed, no longer breaks the back button by indiscriminantly adding to the browser's history (issue #31)

Other changes

  • Removed some unused portions of code for the pnotify plugin in js/diva-utils.js
  • Use of string formatting instead of concatenation in

Known issues and open feature requests

  • Option to switch orientation (issue #4)
  • Sidebar showing thumbnails of images (issue #16)
  • Ctrl + zooming doesn't work in Firefox on Mac (issue #19)
  • JPEG2000/Djakota support (issue #20)
  • IE support (issue #21)
  • Skipping pages that do not need to be loaded (issue #38)
  • Spread view - recto/verso options need to be implemented (issue #45)
  • Page number updating in grid view buggy (issue #48)


Released August 4, 2011. Minor release, new features + some bug fixes.

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The changes to the HTML files are primarily for passing w3c validation and can be skipped. All other files should be replaced/added.

New files

Changed files

New features

  • Hash parameters in the URL, for specifying the page number, zoom level, grid view and fullscreen mode (issue #31)
  • More callback functions: onReady, onFullscreen
  • More public functions: zoomIn() and zoomOut(), with an optional callback function, and inViewport() for checking if something (e.g. a highlight box) on a page is visible
  • Grid view, with the number of pages to display per row configurable upon instantiation (issue #24)
  • Configurable viewport margin for smoother scrolling (issue #44)
  • Better mobile safari detection and panel dimension adjustment (tested on the iPad and iPhone)

Bug fixes

  • The "go to page" input box is now part of an actual form, enabling the use of the enter key for easier form submission (issue #39)
  • Added bounds checking within handleZoom(), so that you can't zoom in or out more than you're supposed to
  • Better horizontal scrolling support using the "go to page" feature (issue #40)
  • Now listens to window resize events while in fullscreen mode and adjusts the page dimensions/recenters pages accordingly (issue #41)

Other changes

  • Unit tests (with QUnit)
  • Passes w3c validation
  • executeCallback() helper function for easier execution of callback functions
  • Better handling of invalid zoom levels in divaserve.php
  • Refactoring of ajaxRequest() function (split up into multiple functions)
  • Improved method of centering pages (using left: 50% and margin-left instead of using the maximum width among all the pages)

Known issues and open feature requests


Released June 6, 2011.

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