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Core delivery platform Node.js Frontend Template.



Please install Node.js >= v18 and npm >= v9. You will find it easier to use the Node Version Manager nvm

To use the correct version of Node.js for this application, via nvm:

cd cdp-uploader
nvm use


POST /initiate

Example /initiate request:

  "redirect": "",
  "callback": "",
  "s3Bucket": "myservice",
  "s3Path": "scanned",
  "metadata": {
    "customerId": "1234",
    "accountId": "1234"

HTTP Headers:

Header name Description Required
User-Agent Identifier of the service that calls cdp-uploader TBD

Body parameters:

Parameter name Description Required
redirect Url to redirect to after file has been successfully uploaded. yes
s3Bucket S3 bucket that file will be moved to once the scanning is complete yes
s3Path 'Folder' in bucket where scanned files will be placed no
callback Url that will be called once all files in upload have been scanned no
metadata Map of additional information related to upload no
mimeTypes List of accepted mimeTypes no
maxFileSize Maximum size in bytes that a file can be (10MB is 10 _ 1000 _ 1000) no


We will generate an uploadId for the upload and fileIds for files in the upload request. Files (objects) will be moved to destination bucket under the path uploadId/fileId which will be prefixed with the bucket path if it has been provided.

Example response

  "uploadId": "b18ceadb-afb1-4955-a70b-256bf94444d5",
  "uploadUrl": "/upload-and-scan/b18ceadb-afb1-4955-a70b-256bf94444d5",
  "statusUrl": "https://cdp-uploader/status/b18ceadb-afb1-4955-a70b-256bf94444d5"
Parameter name Description Required
uploadId Identifier used for the upload yes
uploadUrl Url which must be used for the upload yes
statusUrl Endpoint that can be polled for status of upload yes

POST /upload-and-scan/{uploadId}

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Description
uploadId Unique id for that upload. UploadId is provided via the /initiate call

This will be a multipart/form-data request to the uploadAndScanUrl url provided in the initiate response. This request should happen directly from the users browser to the cdp-uploader.

Example /upload-and-scan/${uploadId} request:

  <label for="file">File</label>
  <input id="file" name="file" type="file"/>


Once the upload has been successful, the user will be redirected to the redirect url provided in the initiate request.

GET /status/{uploadId}

The status API provides information about uploaded files, virus scan status and S3 location. The API is intended to be polled by the frontend services, it is not public and cannot be called direct from the browser.

Path Parameters

Parameter Name Description
uploadId Unique id for that upload. UploadId is provided via the /initiate call

Query Parameters

Parameter Name Description
debug set to 'true' to debug information. Currently contains initiate request payload


Debug should not be used in production

Response Payload with Debug

  "debug": {
    "request": {
      "redirect": "http://localhost:3000/creatures/e90fee47-ead0-45c7-8319-4388cca9ebbc/upload-status-poller?uploadId=ba477d67-0005-4c26-a673-fa5139a2adf5",
      "s3Bucket": "cdp-example-bucket",
      "metadata": {
        "example-id": "id"
  "uploadStatus": "ready",
  "metadata": {
    "example-id": "id"
  "form": {
    "a-form-field": "some value",
    "a-file-upload-field": {
      "fileId": "9fcaabe5-77ec-44db-8356-3a6e8dc51b13",
      "filename": "dragon-b.jpeg",
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "fileStatus": "complete",
      "contentLength": 11264,
      "checksumSha256": "bng5jOVC6TxEgwTUlX4DikFtDEYEc8vQTsOP0ZAv21c=",
      "detectedContentType": "image/jpeg",
      "s3Key": "3b0b2a02-a669-44ba-9b78-bd5cb8460253/9fcaabe5-77ec-44db-8356-3a6e8dc51b13",
      "s3Bucket": "cdp-example-node-frontend"
    "another-form-field": "foobazbar"
  "numberOfRejectedFiles": 0

Response Payload without Debug

  "uploadStatus": "ready",
  "metadata": {
    "example-id": "id"
  "form": {
    "a-form-field": "some value",
    "a-file-upload-field": {
      "fileId": "9fcaabe5-77ec-44db-8356-3a6e8dc51b13",
      "filename": "dragon-b.jpeg",
      "contentType": "image/jpeg",
      "fileStatus": "complete",
      "contentLength": 11264,
      "checksumSha256": "bng5jOVC6TxEgwTUlX4DikFtDEYEc8vQTsOP0ZAv21c=",
      "detectedContentType": "image/jpeg",
      "s3Key": "3b0b2a02-a669-44ba-9b78-bd5cb8460253/9fcaabe5-77ec-44db-8356-3a6e8dc51b13",
      "s3Bucket": "cdp-example-node-frontend"
    "another-form-field": "foobazbar"
  "numberOfRejectedFiles": 0
Parameter Name Description
uploaderStatus Have all scans completed, can be initiated, pending or ready
metadata Extra data and identified set by the requesting service in the /initialize call. Returned exactly as they were presented
form An object representing each field in the multipart request. Text fields are preserved exactly as they were sent, file fields contain details about the file.
numberOfRejectedFiles Total number of files that have been rejected by the uploader
debug.request When set to true, the initiate request payload received by cdp-uploader

File field in form

Parameter Name Description
fileId uuid of the file.
filename filename of file uploaded, if present
contentType The mime type as declared in the multipart upload
fileStatus complete or rejected if the virus scan has completed, pending if its still in progress
contentLength Size of file in bytes
checksumSha256 SHA256 check sum of file recieved by cdp-uploader before uploading to S3 bucket
detectedContentType The mime type as detected by the CDP-Uploader
s3Bucket S3 bucket where scanned file is moved. Only set if file status is complete
s3Key S3 Path where scanned file is moved. Includes path prefix if set. Only set when fileStatus is complete
hasError true/false Only set to true if the file has been rejected or could not be delivered. Reason is supplied in errorMessage field.
errorMessage Reason why file was rejected. Error message is based on GDS design guidelines and can be show directly to the end-user.

Error Handling

A file can be rejected by uploader for a number of reasons. When this happens no file will be delivered to the destination S3 bucket. A rejected file has the following data set:

  • fileStatus: rejected
  • hasError: true
  • errorMessage: string

The errorMessage field is a test description of why the file was rejected.

Cause errorMessage
Virus detected The selected file contains a virus
File is empty The selected file is empty
File size exceeds max size (either set in the /init call or the uploaders max default 100M) The selected file must be smaller than $MAXSIZE
File doesn't match the mime types set in the init call The selected file must be a $MIMETYPES
Any server side error in CDP-Uploader The selected file could not be uploaded – try again

The messages are based on the GDS File Upload guidelines

The intention of the errorMessage field is that the content can be displayed directly to the end user.


If a callback url has been provided in the initiate request, we will POST a callback to your service once scanning is complete and files have been moved to your services bucket. The payload is exactly the same as the response from the Status endpoint (without debug enabled).

Intended use

Frontend services will poll the /status endpoint after a user has uploaded a file.

The payload contains all of the fields submitted in the HTML form with the values preserved with the exception of any fields that contained files. These fields are replaced with an object showing if they passed the scan and where in S3 they can be accessed.

Frontend services are expected to validate the content of the payload and present any errors back to the user. Any files uploaded by a user will never be sent directly to the frontend service.


Runtime environment variables required or optional.

Add these where relevant to:

App config

For configurations that are not sensitive and per staging and prod environments.


For sensitive config for staging and prod environments this can be self-serviced in your portal service page's secrets tab.

Docker compose

For local docker compose setups add these to your setup, e.g. modify locally your compose/aws.env or similar.

Local dev env var

Set as environment variables locally. E.g. as export commands if using bash, or .envrc if using direnv

Configuration names

Config name ENV_VAR Default Required Purpose
bucketsAllowlist CONSUMER_BUCKETS [] [x] A comma separated list of buckets uploader can write to. Can not be empty if not in development mode.
mockVirusScanEnabled MOCK_VIRUS_SCAN_ENABLED false Boolean. Useful in local development

There are several other configs, such as AWS details, SQS queue names, polling times etc. For more details and other service configuration look in src/config/index.js

Local development

Developing services that use the CDP-Uploader

If your service is going to use the CDP-Uploader to receive files you may want to start by running the uploader locally. The easiest way to do this is using docker compose.

Docker Compose

The CDP-Uploader project provide as base compose.yml file to get you started.

Copy compose.yml as well as the ./compose folder into your own project and running docker compose pull and then docker compose up.

This will start:

  • redis
  • localstack (a local AWS emulator)
  • cdp-uploader

It will also inject a start-up script into the localstack container that automatically creates the queues and buckets needed by the uploader as well as a test bucket named 'my-bucket'. If your service requires its own bucket you can add a line to script to create one.

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://cdp-uploader-quarantine
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://my-bucket

  ## Insert your bucket here, e.g.
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://your-service-bucket


The script sets the mock AWS region to be eu-west-2. See aws.env for the other localstack environment variables. If your service is also talking to S3 then it will need to use the same region and credentials when talking to localstack. The can be done by simply setting environment variables before running your sevices locally:

export AWS_REGION=eu-west-2
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test

If everything has worked as expected the CDP-Uploader will be available on localhost port 7337.

Any other supporting services can be added to the compose file as required.

Relative vs Absolute URLs

In a real environment relative urls work fine since all the services are behind the same host, however locally they're going to be running on different ports so relative redirect URLs won't work!

When run in development mode the cdp-uploader will convert relative redirect urls into absolute urls using the ' referer' header. This should make uploader behave more or less the same locally as it would in a real environment.

Test Harness (mock scanning)

When running locally the CDP-Uploader will be running with its mock virus scanner enabled.

This does not actually virus scan files, rather it simulates a response based on filename. If you submit a file with the word virus in the name it will be flagged as infected.

EICAR files and local development

The test harness does not support EICAR virus test files yet, so if you are submitting one and getting a CLEAN response back from the uploader's test harness, this is expected. In the real environments EICAR files will work.

Setup for developing CDP-Uploader

Install application dependencies:

npm install


To run the application in development mode run:

npm run dev

Updating dependencies

To update dependencies, globally install Then run the below script, run tests, test the application and commit the altered package.json and package-lock.json files. For more options around updates check the package docs.

ncu -i


Unit tests

To run unit tests:

npm test

End-to-end tests

To run end-to-end tests, you will need to have a few docker compose services running locally:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d localstack redis
npm run test:e2e

Smoke tests

To run smoke tests start up the cdp-uploader via docker compose:

cd cdp-uploader
docker compose pull
docker compose up

Then clone and run it:

cd cdp-uploader-smoke-tests
ENVIRONMENT=local npm run test


AWS Local

AWS local alias

  • Alternatively just alias it locally:
    • E.g in fish
function awslocal
  aws --profile localstack $argv --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566
  • And add to your .aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = test
aws_secret_access_key = test


Either run localstack directly via docker and AWS CLI, or via the localstack CLI.


  • Run AWS LocalStack Docker container:
docker run --pull=always -d -p 4566:4566 -p 4510-4559:4510-4559 localstack/localstack:latest

Note the exposed endpoint is http://localhost:4566

Localstack CLI

localstack start

Note the exposed endpoint is https://localhost:4566

Setup local S3 buckets

You need local buckets setup in localstack

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://my-bucket
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 mb s3://cdp-uploader-quarantine

The --endpoint-url http://localhost:4566 may not be needed depending on how your awslocal is set up. Also note depending on how your localstack is running the endpoint may be http or https.

List local buckets

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 list-buckets

View bucket contents

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 ls s3://cdp-uploader-quarantine
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 ls s3://my-bucket

Of view in your browser:


Empty bucket contents

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 rm s3://cdp-uploader-quarantine --recursive
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 rm s3://my-bucket --recursive

Setup local queues

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sqs create-queue --queue-name cdp-clamav-results
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sqs create-queue --queue-name cdp-uploader-scan-results-callback.fifo --attributes "{\"FifoQueue\":\"true\",\"ContentBasedDeduplication\": \"true\"}"

Purge local queues

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sqs purge-queue --region eu-west-2 --queue-url http://localhost:4566/000000000000/cdp-clamav-results
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sqs purge-queue --region eu-west-2 --queue-url http://localhost:4566/000000000000/cdp-uploader-scan-results-callback.fifo

Setup local test harness

When running locally there is a built-in test harness to simulate scan results. This requires an extra setup step

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sqs create-queue --queue-name mock-clamav
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration\
    --bucket $BUCKET_NAME\
    --notification-configuration '{
                                      "QueueConfigurations": [
                                           "QueueArn": "arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-2:000000000000:mock-clamav",
                                           "Events": ["s3:ObjectCreated:*"]

When running from the IDE the test harness is enabled by default. It can be enabled/disabled via the MOCK_VIRUS_SCAN_ENABLED environment variable. The test harness will listen for files being uploaded to the quarantine bucket. When a file arrives, it checks if the original filename matches the regex set in MOCK_VIRUS_REGEX (defaults to checking if the file has 'virus' in the name). There is a short delay (set via MOCK_VIRUS_RESULT_DELAY) to simulate scan time before the response is sent.


Whilst the APIs are being developed this app uses a local JSON mock API. To start this locally run:

npm run mockApi


To mimic the application running in production mode locally run:

npm start

Npm scripts

All available Npm scripts can be seen in package.json To view them in your command line run:

npm run


Development image


docker build --target development --no-cache --tag cdp-uploader:development .


docker run -p 3000:3000 cdp-uploader:development

Production image


docker build --no-cache --tag cdp-uploader .


docker run -p 3000:3000 cdp-uploader



The following attribution statement MUST be cited in your products and applications when using this information.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3

About the licence

The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.

It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.