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A visualization frontend for the AalWiNes tool

This project is based on code from the VisuAAL project (github:petergjoel/VisuAAL) by Peter G. Jensen.

Quick Start

Download a binary delivery under


Necessary if you do not use the binary delivery:

Node.js v13

Install as Ubuntu package:

# setup apt repositories
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
# install nodejs package
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# install build-essential for some npm packages
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential

Usage of VisuAalWiNes

# install used npm packages
npm install

# start server

# start your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/
firefox http://localhost:3000/
# or
chrome http://localhost:3000/

Important files

path description
./data/models/* network models
./data/models/*/topo.xml topography in P-Rex format
./data/models/*/routing.xml routing in P-Rex format
./data/models/*/queries.json example queries
./data/models/*/location.json router locations
./bin/aalwines binary of AalWiNes tool
./bin/moped binary of moped tool

Building a binary delivery package

Building a package containing a binary delivery can easily be done with the command

npm run pack

The delivery package including aalwines, moped, sample data and the visuaalwines binary is in:


Beside the visuaalwines tool it includes everything necessary to run it: nodejs, aalwines, moped and sample data.

Unpack it, run the binary and use your browser to go to http://localhost:3000/

tar -xzvf visuaalwines-0.3.0.tgz
cd visuaalwines-0.3.0

# browse to http://localhost:3000/

Own sample data can be added in the directory data/models or via the web interface.

Optional Requirements

PM2 (optional)

A process manager for Node.js. Used to keep the server running and automatically restart it on code change. Can also be used for auto-start.

# install pm2
npm install pm2 -g

# start server using pm2

NGINX (optional)

A webserver for hosting this application with HTTPS support.