Renders React.js markup (or any other string) on JVM with Graal or Nashorn.
- Graal.js on GraalVM with fallback to Nashorn on HotSpot
- Multiple render instances
- Watches source files and reloads automatically
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("dgolubets", "releases")
libraryDependencies += "ru.dgolubets" %% "reactjs-server" % "0.2.1"
import io.circe.Json
import ru.dgolubets.reactjs.server._
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
import system.dispatcher
val renderSource = ScriptSource.fromString(
|function render(state){
| return "<h1>state.title</h1>"
val renderServer = new RenderServer(RenderServerSettings(Seq(renderSource)))
renderServer.render("render", Json.obj("title" -> Json.fromString("Some title"))).map { html =>
You don't have to do anything but to start your application with GraalVM. ReactJS server will try to instantiate Graal.js context by default and if it's not available - will fallback to using Nashorn.
ReactJS server comes with a minimal set of polyfills for logging via console
The server will execute specified sources in the order provided, so it's easy to include your own polyfills by just adding them before your main script.
To watch for source file changes, specify watch settings with root pointing to some parent directory of your source files.
val renderSource = ScriptSource.fromFile(new File("path/to/my/source.js");
val watchSettings = WatchSettings(
root = new File("path/to"), // watch root
delay = 1 second // delay to aggregate file changes
val renderServer = new RenderServer(RenderServerSettings(
watch = Some(watchSettings)
By default the server is gonna start an instance per CPU core, but you can override it.
val renderServer = new RenderServer(RenderServerSettings(
nInstances = 2
Both Graal.js and Nashorn can reach Node.js performance after a warmup (100-1000+ iterations per instance). Warm up times are likely to be improved in future Graal versions.
Create a separate configuration to bundle a library:
output: {
filename: "scripts/server.js",
library: "mylib",
libraryTarget: "var"
Export a render function in your index source file:
export function renderToString(state: any): string {
return ReactDOM.renderToString(<Root />);